Math 5C, Summer 2011

Practice Final! And some solutions.

The syllabus is here.

The calendar of due dates and topics is here.

Webwork can be found here. Your initial username and password are both your Perm number.

For a list of commonly used notation in this class, click here.

Written homework assignments:
Homework 1 Homework 2 Homework 3 Homework 4

The take-home midterm/project can be found here. For the LaTeX source click here.

My solution to the midterm is here.

So you want to make your math pretty? Try using LaTeX! LaTeX is a mathematical typesetting markup language
(like html) that auto-formats simple source code to make pdf files that look great.
But don't take my word for it; here's an example.
LaTeX converts this source file into this output pdf.
It's worth pointing out that anyone planning to pursue math, physics, or academic engineering WILL need to learn this important skill eventually.

To run LaTeX on a Mac, you only need to install the distribution on this page.
I haven't installed LATeX on a windows machine in a long time, but as far as I can tell this page is all you need to read. Let me know if you have trouble with it though.

Finally, how do you use LaTeX? The best short introduction with lots of examples is this document.

The take-home final can be found here. (Now posted!)

The LaTeX source for the final is here.

Old Practice Exams:
Practice Exam 1 -- Solutions
Practice Exam 2 -- Solutions
Practice Exam 3 -- Solutions
Practice Final Exam