Title: A link splitting spectral sequence in Khovanov Homology Abstract: The Khovanov homology of a link L is a bigraded abelian group Kh(L) with Poincaré polynomial P_L(q,t), such that P(q,-1) recovers the Jones polynomial. The meaning of the group Kh(L) is topologically obscure, since its definition is resolutely combinatorial, but a suite of spectral sequences abutting to more manifestly three-dimensional homology theories provide some traction. The spectral sequence to singular instanton homology shows that P_L detects the unknot, and the one to Heegaard Floer of the branched double cover shows that P_L detects the two-component unlink. We construct a new spectral sequence from Kh(L) to the tensor product $\otimes_i Kh(K_i)$ of the Khovanov homologies of the components K_1,...,K_n of L. From this we show that P_L detects the n-component unlink for any n, and construct a novel bound on the number of between-component crossing changes required to split a link. This work is inspired by a conjectured spectral sequence in the symplectic theory of Seidel-Smith. Project joint with Cotton Seed.