
Research Summary

    My research involves computational partial differential equations and applications there of; more specifically, using asymptotic, numerical and functional analysis to develop efficient algorithms for solving problems for scientific computing in various fields such as computational physics, machine learning and inverse problems.


    2013 September - Present : Teaching Assistant/Teaching Associate
    Department of Mathematics, UC Santa Barbara
    2011 September - 2013 August : Adjunct Professor
    Department of Mathematics, Irvine Valley College
    2011 June - 2011 August : Graduate Student Researcher
    Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine
    2008 September - 2011 June : Teaching Assistant
    Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine


    Ph.D Mathematics (expected 2019) : UC Santa Barbara, Advisor: Xu Yang
    M.S Mathematics (December 2010) : UC Irvine, Advisor: Long Chen
    B.S Mathematics (June 2008): UC Irvine, Honors in Mathematics
    A.A Mathematics (June 2006): Irvine Valley College


    J.C. Hateley, J. Roberts, K. Mylonakis, X. Yang. Deep Learning Seismic Interface Detection using the Frozen Gaussian Approximation. IOP: Inverse Problems. (Submitted)
    J.C. Hateley, L. Chai, P. Tong, X. Yang. Frozen Gaussian Approximation for the Elastic Wave Equation. Geophys. J. Int. (to appear).
    J.C. Hateley, H. Wei and L. Chen. Fast Methods for Computing Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2014, (DOI) 10.1007/s10915-014-9894-1.