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People associated with Associahedra,
Noncrossing Partitions, etc., etc.

The following is a list of people loosely associated with these areas of mathematics (cluster algebras, free probability, Garside structures, generalized associahedra, noncrossing parititons, nonnesting partitions, etc., etc.) along with links to their web pages.
Please notify me of errors and omissions.

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

Drew Armstrong of U. Miami
Christos Athanasiadis of U. of Athens, Greece

David Bessis of tinyclues, France
Philip Biane of U. Paris-Est, France
Noel Brady of U. Oklahoma
Tom Brady of Dublin City U., Ireland.

Frederic Chapoton of U. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Benoit Collins of Kyoto U., Japan
Ruth Charney of Brandeis U.
Ruth Corran of American U. of Paris, France

Patrick Dehornoy of U. Caen, France
Emanuele Delucchi of U. Fribourg
Francois Digne of U. de Picardie, France
Matthew Dyer of U. Notre Dame
Ken Dykema of Texas A&M U.

Sergey Fomin of U. Michigan

Fred Goodman of U. Iowa

Christophe Hohlweg of U. Quebec a Montreal, Canada

Christian Krattenthaller of U. Vienna, Austria Cathy Kriloff of Idaho State U.
Daan Krammer of U. Warwick, U.K.

Jean-Phillipe Labbé of Einstein Institute, Jerusalem
Carsten Lange of T.U. Munich
Jean-Louis Loday of IRMA, Strasbourg, France

Dan Margalit of Georgia Inst. of Technology
Jon McCammond of U. California - Santa Barbara
John Meier of Lafayette C.
Jean Michel of U. Paris VII, France
Henri Muehle of U. Paris VII, France

Alexadru Nica of U. of Waterloo, Canada

Luis Paris of U. Bourgogne, France
Matthieu Picantin of U. Paris VII, France

Nathan Reading of North Carolina State U.
Vic Reiner of U. Minnesota
Vivien Ripoll of U. Vienna, Austria
Brendon Rhoades of U.C. San Diego

Eric Sommers of U. of Massechusetts at Amherst
Michael Shapiro of Michigan State U.
Piotr Śniady of Wroclaw U., Poland
Roland Speicher of U. des Saarlandes, Germany
David Speyer of U. Michigan
Christian Stump of F.U. Berlin

Hugh Thomas of U. of New Brunswick, Canada
Juliana Tymoczko of Smith College

Michelle Wachs of U. Miami
Kim Whittlesey of U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

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Last Modified on 21/May/15