Topology and its Applications

Aims and Scope Instruction to Authors Preparation of Manuscripts TAIA Home

Topology and its Applications is a research journal devoted to many areas of topology, and is published by Elsevier Science B.V. in Amsterdam. The journal, which began in 1971, published over two hundred volumes. The Editors-in-chief of the journal are Professor Alan Dow (Charlotte) and Professor Jan van Mill (Amsterdam). They and five managing editors will handle submissions. The journal published 18 volumes in 2019; a volume contains about 250 pages.

Aims and Scope of the Journal

The journal is primarily concerned with publishing original research papers. However, a limited number of carefully selected survey or expository papers will also be included. The mathematical focus of the journal will be that suggested by the title, research in topology. It is felt that it is inadvisable to attempt a definitive description of topology as understood for this journal. Certainly the subject includes the algebraic, general, geometric, and set-theoretic facets of topology as well as areas of interaction between topology and other mathematical disciplines, e.g., topological algebra, topological dynamics, functional analysis, category theory, etc. Since the roles of various aspects of topology continue to change, the non-specific delineation of topics serves to reflect the current state of research in topology.

The journal occasionally publishes "Special Issues." Typically these are centered around a particular topic, research related to the works of an individual, or papers presented at a focused research conference. There is a list of Special Issues.

The Mary Ellen Rudin Young Researcher Award is an annual award linked to the journal. It is given to young researchers in topology and consists of a cash prize provided by Elsevier for travel and living expenses. Moreover, the winner is invited by both the annual Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference (STDC) and the annual Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications (SUMTOPO) as a regularly funded plenary speaker.

Instruction to Authors

Submission of manuscripts is welcome provided that the manuscript, or any translation of it, has not been copyrighted or published and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. In order to facilitate the editorial process, authors are asked to submit manuscripts to the editor listed below whose area of expertise most closely matches the research topic of the author's manuscript. In case it is necessary to reassign a paper from one editor to another, the author will be informed accordingly. Papers may be submitted to one of the following editors using electronic Online Submission on the Author's Gateway page for TAIA . This is generally the prefered method for submissions. Please see below for any additional instructions for electronic submission to the editors.

  • Henk Bruin, University of Vienna Faculty of Mathematics, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090, Wien, Austria ( Dynamical systems, continuum theory, symbolic dynamics, complex dynamics. Submissions to this editor should be made online from the journal's home page.

  • Alan Dow, Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA ( Set-theoretic topology, general topology, Stone duality, rings of continuous functions. Submissions to this editor should be made online from the journal's home page.

  • Jerzy Dydak, Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA ( Geometric topology, dimension theory, coarse geometry. Submissions to this editor should be made online from the journal's home page.

  • Daciberg Lima Gonçalves, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil ( ): Algebraic topology: homology, homotopy theory, (Nielsen) fixed point theory. This editor can only accept online submissions made via the journal's homepage.

  • Michael Hrusak, Instituto de matemáticas, Unidad Morelia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México A. P. 61 -3 Xangari C. P. 58089 Morelia, Michoacán México ( ): Set-theoretic topology, set theory, topological algebra. This editor can only accept online submissions made via the journal's homepage.

  • D. D. Long, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA ( Topology of manifolds: knot theory, low-dimensional manifolds, hyperbolic geometry, Kleinian groups. Online submissions on the journal's home page are preferred, but it is also possible to submit directly to the editor. See instructions for direct submission to this editor.

  • Jan van Mill, Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, Faculty of Science Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Netherlands ( General topology, infinite dimensional topology, geometric topology, geometry of Banach spaces. Submissions to this editor should be made online from the journal's home page.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the instructions given below:

  • Manuscripts must be in English.
  • If possible, manuscripts should be prepared in a current form of TeX (currently Latex2e and TeX are preferred), and the PDF, (DVI or PS) files submitted electronically (the TeX file will be used by the printer). The Elsevier-LaTeX style package is mainly useful if one wishes to see Êwhat an article might look like when published.
  • If a printed (hardcopy) document is submitted, a readable duplicate copy of the manuscript must also be submitted, and the author should retain a copy of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts must include
  • The author's postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number (if available) also should be included.
  • References should be listed alphabetically.
  • Individual editors (listed above) may have indicated additional requirements or information concerning submissions to them.

Complete instructions to authors (e.g., concerning figures) may be found in the inside back cover of any recent issue of the journal, or on the Author's Gateway page for TAIA under Guide for Authors.