Fall Quarter 2007, Math 3A, Calculus with Applications I
A. Agboola
Course Email Address:
NOTE: Please be sure to put the name of your TA in the subject heading
of your message.
TuTh 12:30pm-1:45pm, IV THEATRE I
6724 South Hall
Office hours:
Wed. 10:30am-12:30pm
James Stewart, Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals ,
(Sixth Edition), Thompson/Brooks-Cole (2008).
We shall aim to cover the following sections of the text:
1.5--1.6, 2.1--2.3, 2.5--2.8, 3.1--3.7, 3.9, 4.1--4.5, 4.7.
Homework problems may also be assigned from other sections as
NOTE: Those students who have made a different textbook choice may
find it helpful to visit:
This page enables you to compare the correpondence between
sections in various otherbooks (including some older editions of
Stewart) and the sections in the 6th edition of Stewart.
Teaching Assistants:
John Levitt
Rena Levitt
Stepan Paul
Edward Rehkopf
Chad Wiley
Office (TAs):
Office hours (TAs):
J. Levitt: Tuesday 2:15--3:15 in SH 6432M; Monday 3--5 in Mathlab.
R. Levitt: Wednesday 10--11 in SH 6431D; Wednesday 2--4 in Mathlab.
Paul: Monday 3--4 in Mathlab; Wednesday 12--1 SH 6431C;
Thursday 1--2 in Mathlab.
Rehkopf: Wednesday 9:30--10:30 in SH 6431Q; Friday 12--2 in Mathlab.
Wiley: Monday 1--2 in SH 6431N; Tuesday 1--3 in Mathlab.
Discussion Sections:
Attendance at a discussion
section is mandatory. Each section meets once a week. The
sections are as follows:
Sect. 01, Wiley, M 8:00-8:50, GIRV 2120.
Sect. 02, Wiley, M 4:00-4:50, 940 1010.
Sect. 03, Wiley, M 5:00-5:50 940 1010.
Sect. 04, Wiley, M 6:00-6:50 GIRV 2123.
Sect. 05, Rehkopf, M 7:00-7:50 GIRV 1115.
Sect. 06, Rehkopf, M 8:00-8:50 GIRV 2119.
Sect. 07, Rehkopf, M 5:00-5:50 SH 6635.
Sect. 08, Rehkopf, M 6:00-6:50 GIRV 2116.
Sect. 09, J. Levitt, M 8:00-8:50 GIRV 2112.
Sect. 10, J. Levitt, M 12:00-12:50 940 1010.
Sect. 11, J. Levitt, M 5:00-5:50 BUCHN 1934.
Sect. 12, J. Levitt, M 6:00-6:50 GIRV 2115.
Sect. 13, Paul, M 7:00-7:50 GIRV 2129.
Sect. 14, Paul, M 4:00-4:50 PHELP 144.
Sect. 15, NONEXISTENT, M 7:00-7:50 GIRV 2108.
Sect. 16, Paul, M 12:00-12:50 GIRV 2129.
Sect. 17, R. Levitt, W 8:00-8:50 GIRV 2108.
Sect. 18, R. Levitt, W 9:00-9:50 387 103.
Sect. 19, R. Levitt, W 5:00-5:50 940 1010.
Sect. 20, R. Levitt, W 6:00-6:50 GIRV 2116.
Sect. 21, Paul, W 7:00-7:50 PHELP 1445
IMPORTANT: You must write your name, the name of your
TA, and the time of the discussion section that you are attending on
EVERY piece of work or correspondence that you submit (including
Homework will be assigned each week via the online system Webworks,
located at
During the first week of the quarter, you will receive an email
message containing your login name and password.
In general, homework that is assigned during a particular week will be
due by 11:59pm on Thursday of the following week. Exceptions to this
rule will be announced as they occur.
There will be one midterm examination during the course. It will be
held in class on Thursday, November 1st.
The final examination for the course will be held on Tuesday, December
11, 12 noon--3:00pm in the regular classroom IV THEATRE I.
Electronic calculators will not be permitted during any
examination in this course.
Solutions to the Midterm Examination:
The following link will take you to solutions/marking scheme
of the midterm
examination. If you have any questions about your examination, please
look at the marking scheme carefully first before going to see your
TA. Note that any decision made by your TA about your exam is final,
and will not be overuled.
Solutions to the Final Examination:
The following link will take you to solutions/marking scheme
of the final
examination. If you have any questions about your examination or your
final grade, please
look at the marking scheme carefully first before going to see your
TA. Note that any decision made by your TA about your exam or grade is final,
and will not be overuled.
Grading Policy:
The final grade on the course will be determined as follows: homework
30%, midterm 30%, final exam 40%. You
will not receive letter grades for the midterm examination; letter
grades will only be awarded at the end of the course and will be based
on your overall score. An overall score of 60% or more on the course
will guarantee at least a ``C''; an overall score of 80% or more
will guarantee at least a ``B-''; an overall score of 90% or more will
guarantee at least an ``A-''.