Stephen Bigelow

[ picture of me]

Department of Math, South Hall Room 6607,
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA93106-9560.

optional "stephen dot" bigelow at optional "math dot" ucsb dot edu

Ask me for my personal phone number or call Rachel Zaragoza at the front office.

In Fall 2024 I am teaching Math 221A and 137A (topology and graph theory).

My research is in topology, especially "diagrammatic algebra". You can look at my list of publications, or preprints on the arxiv, or my infrequently-updated cv.

I keep a random collection of syllabi of courses I have taught. (Sometimes people need them for course transfers.)

Once upon a time I wrote a C program to search for an element of the kernel of Burau4.

I live in Santa Barbara with Morgan, Jasper, and Zoë. Rest in peace Romeo.

Here is a page of links.

Here is a picture of strawberries.