Instructor: Stephen Bigelow. I would like to handle most communication using the course page on Nectir. If necessary, you can also email me at <>.
TA: Elizabeth Crow.
Text: Introduction to Toppology by Gamelin and Greene, second edition. If you want to get different points of view, I can recommend the topology textbooks by Mendelson, by Munkres, or by Adams and Franzosa.
Topics: The goal is to cover at least the first six sections of the first two chapters, including: metric spaces, continuity, topological spaces, and compactness. If we have time, we might cover some of: the classification of surfaces, Euler characteristics, and fundamental groups.
Classes: I will hold classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:00–11:50, by zoom.
Office hours: 3-4 on Monday, and 4:30-5:30 on Wednesday and Friday.
Grading: There will be frequent "low stakes" quizzes, weekly homework, and an open-book final exam. There will not be a midterm exam, but there might be a midterm-like homework assignment. Your total score is 20% quizzes, 40% homework, and 40% final exam.