Syllabus for Algebraic topology – Math 232A
Winter 2016

Instructor: Stephen Bigelow.

Office: 6514 South Hall.

Office hours: M 11:00-12:30, T 1:30-3:00, or catch me after class on Friday, or send me an email, or stop by when my office door is ajar.

E-mail: bigelow@math. you know the rest

Course webpage:

Course description: This is an introduction to homology. The plan is to cover as much as we can of Chapter 2 of Hatcher.

Textbook: Chapter 2 of Algebraic topology by Allen Hatcher.
Also good: Munkres "Elements of algebraic topology", and Spanier "Algebraic topology".

Grading: Most of the grade will be based on regular homework assignments. Beyond that, I want to keep some flexibility. Depending on how the course progresses, I might decide to have something like a quiz, or an in class final.

Prerequisites: The prerequisites are undergraduate linear algebra and topology. It would help if you had some experience with:


Short summary of lectures

Guest lectures

Web surfing

Short summary of the entire course

The main points of the course are:



(Note on cellular homology: In the definition, the chain groups are singular relative homology groups, and the boundary maps are defined in the obvious way. In practice, the chain groups are integer-linear combinations of cells, and the boundary maps are computed using degrees.)

Axioms (Hatcher's version for reduced homology):

Relative homology is similar, plus excision.

The proofs use some important lemmas:

Prof. Bigelow 2016-01-01