Linear Algebra with Applications

Fall 2013

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MWF 1:00-1:50 in Campbell Hall.
Once a week. Attendance is compulsory.
David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Fourth Edition (Hard bound ISBN: 0321399145). You may prefer the loose-leaf version available at the bookstore. A used book, should suffice, except that this will not give you access to the recommended supplemental homework.
Some students may find it useful to own the Student Study Guide for Linear Algebra and Its Applications, available at the campus bookstore.
Stephen Bigelow. Office hours:  MWF 10:30-11:30 in South Hall 6514.
<>. Due to the large class size, it might not be possible to reply to all emails.

The course

Math 3B or 3BI with a grade of C; or a score of 3, 4 or 5 on the BC Calculus AP exam.
Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces and subspaces, basis and dimension, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, and orthogonality.
In order to avoid problems with similar names, bad handwriting, etc., you will be given a 4 digit "TARDIS" code in the first discussion. The code identifies your TA, your Regular Discussion section and, within that, you as an Individual Student. This number must be printed in the top right corner of all work (quizzes and exams). Any work without a TARDIS will not be graded.
Your grade is based on:
  • iClicker: 5%
  • Webwork and Quizzes: 15%
  • First exam: 20%
  • Second exam: 20%
  • Final exam: 40%
These are curved and combined to give a percentage, which is converted to a letter. See Professor Scharlemann's explanation of this procedure. There are penalties for non-attendance in section.
If you have some good reason for not being able to finish the course, you must complete a form and give it to the registrar before 4pm the day before the final. An incomplete usually becomes an F after one quarter unless you complete before then.
You should purchase an i>Clicker and bring it to all lectures. You must register or re-register it using your perm number. Either i>Clicker1 or i>Clicker2 can be used.
The required homework is done using WebWork , available through GauchoSpace . Each week's homework assignment is due by 6:00 am on the following Monday. For example homework on Sections 1.1-1.3 is due by 6:00 am on the morning of Monday October 7.
Optional extra homework is available at MyMathLab . The site requires an individual access code (typically bundled with the book) and the course number. Crashers can get free access for 17 days.
MyMathLab homework is graded immediately online. It not count towards your grade in the course, but it will be needed to master the material.
There will be two exams during the quarter, and one final exam.
  • Friday October 18.
  • Friday November 15.
  • Wednesday December 11, 4-7pm
You must bring to every exam: a bluebook, a convincing photo identification, your seat assignment, and your TARDIS code. You may bring a 3-by-5 inch notecard, but no calculator or other electronics.
If you miss a midterm or quiz due to illness you should bring your TA a note. The note can be from a medical worker or any person in a position of responsibility. If you know you will miss an exam or quiz tell your TA before the event. In either case, at the discretion of the TA you will be given an average for the missed work based on work you did. Check your schedule now, for there will be no make-up exams.
By departmental policy, attendance at your regular discussion section is mandatory. If you miss two discussion sections, your grade will be lowered by 1/3 (eg., B+ becomes B, B- becomes C+).  For each further two missed, your grade will be lowered another 1/3 of a grade. However if your course grade is an A or an A+, these penalties do not apply.
If necessary, you might be able to switch discussion sections. You need permission from both TAs involved, and a new TARDIS. Do not drop and re-register. Officially you will be in the original section, but you will attend and be graded in the new one.
If you are having trouble getting in to the course, sign up for the waiting list. You should enroll in the GauchoSpace page for the course, participate in lecture with an iClicker, and do the WebWork homework online via GauchoSpace. If you subsequently enroll in a different section than the one you were crashing, make sure that both TAs know about this so that your grades may be properly recorded.


You should come to lecture. Attendance is recorded by i>Clicker. More importantly, some material or announcments about course procedures might be presented only in class.
You should read relevant sections of the book before you come to lecture. I will follow a similar schedule to Professor Scharlemann's Winter 2013 schedule.
You should regularly check the course webpage on GauchoSpace.
You are encouraged to take advantage of the following.