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Math 34A - Spring 2009

Instructor: Jeffrey Case
Email: casej~AT~math.ucsb.edu
Meeting Time & Location: MWF 12:00-12:50am, HSSB 1174
Office: SH 6431-S
Office Hours: MW 2:30-4:00pm, or by appointment

TA: Magdalena Widjaja
TA Email: widjaja~AT~math.ucsb.edu
Sections: T 8-9am, HSSB 1207; T 5-6pm, 940 1010; T 6-7pm, 940 1010; T 7-8pm, GIRV 2115
TA Office: SH 6431-X
TA Office Hours: W 2-3pm

Class Website: http://math.ucsb.edu/~casej/m07math34a/
Text: Calculus and Mathematical Reasoning for Life and Social Sciences, D. Cooper

Homework: Homework will be due every Wednesday at 11:59pm, except for the frst week of the quarter. There will be no late homework accepted. You are encouraged to work together on the homework.

All homework will be done via WebWork. Your default user name and password are your Perm #. If you can't login, either because you aren't on the WebWork list or you forgot your password, let me or your TA know and we'll address the issue as soon as possible. All problems on WebWork come directly from the text, so you will probably find it useful to have a copy of the text for reference - however, it isn't strictly necessary. I will not respond to emails regarding homework that are sent within 6 hours of the due time. So be sure to look at your homework early so you know what questions you need help with early!

Attendance: Attendance of sections is mandatory, and will be taken.
Exams: There will be two midterms and a final. The midterms will be given in class on Friday, April 24 and Friday, May 15th, and the final will be at 12-3pm on Tuesday, June 9. You will be allowed a 3x5 notecard on all exams. No calculators. No makeup exams will be given. The exam problems will resemble the problems on the homework, so if you do the homework, and more importantly, understand your solution, you will do fine on the exams.

Grading: Grading will be done on a curve, so neither myself nor the TA will know your grade until finals are graded. However, you are guaranteed to have an A- if your score is above 90%, a B- if above 80%, and so on. The weights of the homework and tests are as follows:
Midterm 125%
Midterm 225%

Help: In addition to my and the TA's office hours, the MathLab will be open Monday through Friday from 12-5pm. The MathLab is in SH 1607 and is staffed by 2-4 mathematics graduate students there to offer you help for free.

Academic Dishonesty: Any act of academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. You may work together on homework, but all other work must be done on your own.