MAT 175, Section 1
Multivariable Calculus for Economics and Life Sciences
Fall 2016

    Instructor: CASTELLA, Francesc
    Office: Fine Hall 102
    Office Hours: MW 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, or by appointment

    Lectures: MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM in Fine Hall 110

Text: "Calculus" (9th Edition), by D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, and E. Rigdon
Lecture Schedule: Available here.

    Teaching Assistants: LEVY, Caleb C. and COONEY, Daniel B.
    Office: Fine Hall 221
    Office Hours: TBA

    Discussion Sessions: M 7:30 PM-9:00 PM in Fine Hall 214

Homework: Assignments and due dates available here.
Collected in class at the beginning of Wednesdays lectures (or by 5:00 PM at the latest).

The lowest two scores will be dropped in order to calculate the final course grade.

In-class Quizzes: Monday, October 3 and Monday, December 5.
Each quiz will last 45 minutes.

Midterm Exam: TBA.
Final Exam: TBA

Books, notes or calculators are not allowed in the exams or quizzes.

Grades: The final course grade will be determined according to the following scheme:
    Homework: 15%
    Quizzes: 10% each
    Midterm: 30%
    Final Exam: 35%