Email: ebrahim at math dot ucsb dot edu
Course website: See Gauchospace for syllabus, announcements, and assignments.
Office hours: Thursdays 11am-12pm, subject to change. Email me to schedule a meeting.
Office location: South Hall 6431T (map)

Section Structure
We will begin sections with a 10-20 minute minilecture and spend the remainder of the time working on problems in groups. We will generally begin with a quick warm up problem. This will followed by a small lecture, and maybe another problem to test understanding. Please stop me and ask questions throughout! There will be problems to hand in at the end of each worksheet on Gauchospace, and they are meant to be submitted at the beginning of the section of the following week.

Section Etiquette
Keep cell phone use to a minimum. If you need to call or text, feel free to step outside for that.

Any form of live visual feedback is extremely helpful during lecturing (nodding, looking confused, etc.).

It's (almost) always okay to interrupt to ask a question, particularly if I'm not paying attention to you.

Switching Sections and Crashing
Switching officially on GOLD is a bad idea if there is a good chance that the section to which you're switching can fill up before you make the switch.

Switching unofficially between my sections is an option if you have a schedule conflict.
To do this, email me with your name, perm number, and evidence of your schedule conflict (e.g. a screenshot of GOLD).
Include the section in which you're enrolled and the section to which you'd like to switch.
Preferably you should not attempt to switch to a full section, and if you do then be sure to give seating priority to enrolled students.

Swtiching unofficially between sections with different TAs is a great hassle and it should be avoided.

These policies are subject to change.

Crashers: You can maximize your chances of getting into the class by attending both lecture and section. Be sure to mark the crasher attendance document that will be passed around in section. Besides taking crasher attendance I have no control over who gets into the course.

Worksheet Solutions and Other Things
I will post solutions to particular worksheet problems below upon request. I will also post some answers and explanations to other questions.

Worksheet1, Problem 5