Various Topics
- Ring Theory: Nonsingular Rings and Modules
- Pure and Applied Math. Series, No. 33
- New York (1976) Dekker
- Zentralblatt 336 (1977) 16001; Math. Reviews 55 (1978) 2970
Expository and Overview Articles
- Understanding finite dimensional representations generically (with B. Huisgen-Zimmermann)
- in Geometric and Topological Aspects of the Representation Theory of Finite Groups (J.F. Carlson, S. Iyengar, J. Pevtsova, Eds.)
- Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 242
- Springer (2018) Cham, pp. 131-179
- Math. Reviews MR3901159; Zentralblatt 1544.16011
- Leavitt path algebras and direct limits
- in Rings, Modules, and Representations (N.V. Dung, et al., eds.)
- Contemp. Math. 480 (2009) 165-187
- Math. Reviews 10h:16073; Zentralblatt 1194.16012
- Power-cancellation of modules
- in Ring Theory II, Proceedings of the Second Oklahoma Conference (B.R. McDonald and R.A. Morris, Eds.), pp. 131-147
- New York (1977) Dekker
- Zentralblatt 346 (1977) 16021; Math. Reviews 55 (1978) 5698
- Direct sum properties of quasi-injective modules
- Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976) 108-110
- Zentralblatt 321 (1976) 16016; Math. Reviews 53 (1977) 5665
Research Articles
- Finite dimensional representations of quivers with oriented cycles (with B. Huisgen-Zimmermann)
- Levels of cancellation for monoids and modules (with P. Ara, P.P. Nielsen, K.C. O'Meara, E. Pardo, and F. Perera)
- Closures in varieties of representations and irreducible components (with B. Huisgen-Zimmermann)
- Algebra and Number Theory 12 (2018) 379-410
- Math Reviews MR3803707; Zentralblatt 1420.16008
- Twist invariants of graded algebras (with M.T. Yakimov)
- in Advances in Rings and Modules (S. Lopez-Permouth, J.K. Park, S.T. Rizvi, C.
Roman, Eds.)
- Contemp. Math. 715 (2018) 141-170
- Zentralblatt 1398.16014; Math Reviews MR3852386
- Understanding finite dimensional representations generically (with B. Huisgen-Zimmermann)
- in Geometric and Topological Aspects of the Representation Theory of Finite Groups (J.F. Carlson, S. Iyengar, J. Pevtsova, Eds.)
- Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 242
- Springer (2018) Cham, pp. 131-179
- Math. Reviews MR3901159; Zentralblatt 1544.16011
- Twist invariants of graded algebras (with M.T. Yakimov)
- Advances in Rings and Modules (S. L\'opez-Permouth, J.K. Park, S.T. Rizvi, C. Roman, Eds.)
- Contemp. Math. 715 (2018) 141-170
- Zentralblatt 1398.16014; Math Reviews MR3852386
- Non-affine Hopf algebra domains of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two (with J.J. Zhang)
- Glasgow Math. J. 59 (2017) 563-593
- Math Reviews MR3682000; Zentralblatt 1396.16024
- The realization problem for some wild monoids and the Atiyah problem (with P. Ara)
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369 (2017) 5665-5710
- Math Reviews MR3646775; Zentralblatt 1405.16013
- Tame and wild refinement monoids (with P. Ara)
- Semigroup Forum 91 (2015) 1-27
- Zentralblatt 1375.20062; Math Reviews MR3369375
- LU decomposition of totally nonnegative matrices (with T.H. Lenagan)
- Linear Alg. Applic. 436 (2012) 2554-2566
- Math. Reviews 2890014; Zentralblatt 1236.15030
- Irreducible components of module varieties: projective equations and rationality (with B. Huisgen-Zimmermann)
- in New Trends in Noncommutative Algebra (Seattle 2010) (P. Ara, et al., eds.)
- Contemp. Math. 562 (2012) 141-167
- Math. Reviews 2905558; Zentralblatt 1262.16011
- Leavitt path algebras of separated graphs (with P. Ara)
- J. reine angew. Math. 669 (2012) 165-224
- Math. Reviews MR2980456; Zentralblatt 1281.46050
- Totally nonnegative cells and matrix Poisson varieties (with S. Launois and T. H. Lenagan)
- Advances in Math. 226 (2011) 779-826
- Math. Reviews 12e:53162; Zentralblatt 1210.14055
- Torus-invariant prime ideals in quantum matrices, totally nonnegative cells and symplectic leaves (with S. Launois and T. H. Lenagan)
- Math. Zeitschrift 269 (2011) 29-45
- Math. Reviews 12h:16071; Zentralblatt 1234.16018
- Non-simple purely infinite rings (with G. Aranda Pino, F. Perera, and M. Siles Molina)
- Amer. J. Math. 132 (2010) 563-610
- Math. Reviews 11e:16064; Zentralblatt 1206.16003
- Leavitt path algebras and direct limits
- in Rings, Modules, and Representations (N.V. Dung, et al., eds.)
- Contemp. Math. 480 (2009) 165-187
- Math. Reviews 10h:16073; Zentralblatt 1194.16012
- The closed-point Zariski topology for irreducible representations (with E.S. Letzter)
- J. Algebra Applic. 5 (2006) 719-730
- Math. Reviews 08c:16007; Zentralblatt 1111.16002
- Semilattices of groups and inductive limits of Cuntz algebras (with E. Pardo and F. Wehrung)
- J. reine angew. Math. 588 (2005) 1-25
- Math. Reviews 07b:46088; Zentralblatt 1115.46059
- The complete dimension theory of partially ordered systems with equivalence and orthogonality (with F. Wehrung)
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 831 (2005) viii+1-117
- Math. Reviews 06d:06001; Zentralblatt 1075.06001
- Stable rank of corner rings (with P. Ara)
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005) 379-386
- Math. Reviews 05h:19001; Zentralblatt 1065.19001
- Fractional skew monoid rings (with P. Ara, M.A. Gonzalez-Barroso, and E. Pardo)
- J. Algebra 278 (2004) 104-126
- Math. Reviews 05f:16042; Zentralblatt 1063.16033
- K0 of purely infinite simple regular rings (with P. Ara and E. Pardo)
- K-Theory 26 (2002) 69-100
- Zentralblatt 1012.16013; Math. Reviews 04e:19001
- The graded version of Goldie's theorem (with J.T. Stafford)
- in Algebra and its Applications (Athens, OH 1999) (D.V. Huynh, S.K. Jain, and S.T. López-Permouth, Eds.), Contemp. Math. 259 (2000) 237-240
- Math. Reviews 01g:16087; Zentralblatt 985.16031
- Periodic flat modules, and flat modules for finite groups (with D.J. Benson)
- Pacific J. Math. 196 (2000) 45-87
- Math. Reviews 02c:20006; Zentralblatt 1073.20500
- Repetitive resolutions over classical orders and finite dimensional algebras (with B. Huisgen-Zimmermann)
- in Algebras and Modules II (I. Reiten, S. O. Smalo, and O. Solberg, Eds.)
- Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. Series 24 (1998) 105-137
- Zentralblatt 913.16006; Math. Reviews 99m:16007
- Separative cancellation for projective modules over exchange rings (with P. Ara, K.C. O'Meara, and E. Pardo)
- Israel J. Math. 105 (1998) 105-137
- Math. Reviews 99g:16006; Zentralblatt 908.16002
- Dually slender modules and steady rings (with P.C. Eklof and J. Trlifaj)
- Forum Math. 9 (1997) 61-74
- Math. Reviews 98a: 16001; Zentralblatt 866.16003
- Stable range one for rings with many units (with P. Menal)
- J. Pure Appl. Algebra 54 (1988) 261-287
- Zentralblatt 653 (1989) 16013; Math. Reviews 89h: 16011
- Surjective endomorphisms of finitely generated modules
- Communic. in Algebra 15 (1987) 589-609
- Zentralblatt 612 (1987) 16020; Math. Reviews 88d: 16010
- Lengths of submodule chains versus Krull dimension in non-noetherian modules (with B. Zimmermann-Huisgen)
- Math. Zeitschrift 191 (1986) 519-527
- Zentralblatt 563 (1985) 16015; Math. Reviews 87f: 16021
- Boundedness of direct products of torsion modules (with B. Zimmermann-Huisgen)
- J. Pure Appl. Algebra 39 (1986) 251-273
- Zentralblatt 581 (1986) 16001; Math. Reviews 88a: 16049
- Localized group rings, the invariant basis property, and Euler characteristics
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 91 (1984) 523-528
- Zentralblatt 513 (1984) 16008; Math. Reviews 85e: 16016
- Cancellation of low-rank vector bundles
- Pacific J. Math. 113 (1984) 289-302
- Zentralblatt 493 (1983) 55007; Math. Reviews 86a: 18013
- Centralizers in differential, pseudo-differential, and fractional differential operator rings
- Rocky Mtn. J. Math. 13 (1983) 573-618
- Zentralblatt 532 (1984) 16002; Math. Reviews 85b: 13039
- Direct limit groups and the Keesling-Mardesic shape fibration (with T.B. Rushing)
- Pacific J. Math. 86 (1980) 471-476
- Zentralblatt 448 (1981) 55005; Math. Reviews 82g: 55021
- Commutants of ordinary differential operators (with R.C. Carlson)
- J. Diff. Eqns. 35 (1980) 339-365
- Zentralblatt 406 (1980) 34020; Math. Reviews 81g: 12025
- Local isomorphisms of algebras of continuous functions
- J. London Math. Soc. 16 (1977) 348-356
- Zentralblatt 381 (1979) 54005; Math. Reviews 58 (1979) 2203
- Algebras over zero-dimensional rings (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- Math. Annalen 223 (1976) 157-168
- Zentralblatt 317 (1976) 16004; Math. Reviews 54 (1977) 357
- Choquet simplexes and $\sigma$-convex faces
- Pacific J. Math. 66 (1976) 119-124
- Zentralblatt 322 (1976) 31015; Math. Reviews 55 (1978) 8750
- Power-cancellation of groups and modules
- Pacific J. Math. 64 (1976) 387-411
- Zentralblatt 308 (1976) 16016; Math. Reviews 56 (1978) 8630
- Rings over which certain modules are injective (with A.K. Boyle)
- Pacific J. Math. 58 (1975) 43-53
- Zentralblatt 275 (1974) 16024; Math. Reviews 51 (1976) 12937
- Subrings of idealizer rings
- J. Algebra 33 (1975) 405-429
- Zentralblatt 297 (1975) 16018; Math. Reviews 50 (1975) 9978
- Strongly prime and completely torsion-free rings (with D. Handelman and J. Lawrence)
- Carleton Univ. Math. Series No. 109 (1974) v+1-128
- Idealizers and nonsingular rings
- Pacific J. Math. 48 (1973) 395-402
- Zentralblatt 248 (1973) 16012; Math. Reviews 52 (1976) 10808
- Triangular representations of splitting rings
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 185 (1973) 271-285
- Zentralblatt 276 (1974) 16021; Math. Reviews 48 (1974) 4044
- Essential products of nonsingular rings
- Pacific J. Math. 45 (1973) 493-505
- Zentralblatt 227 (1972) 16023; Math. Reviews 47 (1974) 5048
- Distributing tensor product over direct product
- Pacific J. Math. 43 (1972) 107-110
- Zentralblatt 237 (1973) 13007; Math. Reviews 47 (1974) 276
- Singular torsion and the splitting properties
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 124 (1972) v+1-89
- Zentralblatt 242 (1973) 16018; Math. Reviews 49 (1975) 5090
- Embedding nonsingular modules in free modules
- J. Pure Appl. Algebra 1 (1971) 275-279
- Zentralblatt 224 (1972) 16003; Math. Reviews 45 (1973) 8675
- Some representation theorems for involution rings
- J. Algebra 14 (l970) 299-311
- Zentralblatt 188 (1970) 87; Math. Reviews 42 (1971) 7709
Last Modified: December 2024
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