Noetherian Rings
- An Introduction to Noncommutative Noetherian Rings, Second Edition (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- London Math. Soc. Student Text Series, No. 61
- Cambridge (2004) Cambridge Univ. Press
- Math. Reviews 05b:16001
- An Introduction to Noncommutative Noetherian Rings (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- London Math. Soc. Student Text Series, No. 16
- Cambridge (1989) Cambridge Univ. Press
- Zentralblatt 679 (1990) 16001; Math. Reviews 91c:16001;
- Bull. London Math. Soc. 100 (1991) 91-93
Expository and Overview Articles
- Noetherian Hopf algebras
- Glasgow Math. J. 55A (2013) 75-87.
- Math. Reviews 3110805; Zentralblatt 1292.16023
- Quantized coordinate rings and related noetherian algebras
- in Proc. 35th. Symposium on Ring Theory and Representation Theory (Okayama 2002) (Y. Hirano, Ed.), Okayama (2003) Univ. of Okayama, pp. 19-45
- Uniform ranks of prime factors of skew polynomial rings
- in Ring Theory, Proc. Biennial Ohio State - Denison Conf., 1992 (S.K. Jain and S.T. Rizvi, Eds.), pp. 182-199
- Singapore (1993) World Scientific
- Math. Reviews 96h:16031; Zentralblatt 853.16034
- Simple noetherian rings -- the Zalesskii-Neroslavskii examples
- in Ring Theory Waterloo 1978 (D. Handelman and J. Lawrence, Eds.), pp. 118-130
- Lecture Notes in Math. No. 734
- Berlin (1979) Springer-Verlag
- Zentralblatt 412 (1980) 16007; Math. Reviews 81b:16009
- The state space of K0 of a ring
- in Ring Theory Waterloo 1978 (D. Handelman and J. Lawrence, Eds.), pp. 91-117
- Lecture Notes in Math. No. 734
- Berlin (1979) Springer-Verlag
- Zentralblatt 417 (1980) 16011; Math. Reviews 81c:16037
Research Articles
- Non-affine Hopf algebra domains of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two (with J.J. Zhang)
- Glasgow Math. J. 59 (2017) 563-593
- Math Reviews MR3682000; Zentralblatt 1396.16024
- Noetherian Hopf algebras
- Glasgow Math. J. 55A (2013) 75-87
- Math. Reviews MR3110805; Zentralblatt 1292.16023
- Noetherian Hopf algebra domains of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two (with J.J. Zhang)
- J. Algebra 324 (2010) 3131-3168
- Math. Reviews 12d:16098; Zentralblatt 1228.16030
- Homological properties of quantized coordinate rings of semisimple groups (with J. J. Zhang)
- Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 94 (2007) 647-671
- Math. Reviews 08e:20077; Zentralblatt 1120.16039
- A Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for Poisson algebras with torus actions
- in Algebra and Its Applications (D. V. Huynh, S. K. Jain, and S. R. Lopez-Permouth, Eds.), Contemp. Math. 419 (2006) 131-154
- Math. Reviews 08a:17024; Zentralblatt 1147.17017
- The closed-point Zariski topology for irreducible representations (with E. S. Letzter)
- J. Algebra Applic. 5 (2006) 719-730
- Math. Reviews 08c:16007; Zentralblatt 1111.16002
- Simplicity of noncommutative Dedekind domains (with J.T. Stafford)
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005) 681-686
- Math. Reviews 05j:16016; Zentralblatt 1065.16001
- The graded version of Goldie's theorem (with J.T. Stafford)
- in Algebra and its Applications (Athens, OH 1999) (D.V. Huynh, S.K. Jain, and S.T. López-Permouth, Eds.), Contemp. Math. 259 (2000) 237-240
- Math. Reviews 01g:16087; Zentralblatt 985.16031
- Homological aspects of noetherian P.I. Hopf algebras, and irreducible modules of maximal dimension (with K.A. Brown)
- J. Algebra 198 (1997) 240-265
- Math. Reviews 99c:16036; Zentralblatt 892.16022
- Algebras of bounded finite dimensional representation type (with A.D. Bell)
- Glasgow Math. J. 37 (1995) 289-302
- Math. Reviews 97c:16019; Zentralblatt 849.16014
- Skew polynomial extensions of commutative noetherian Jacobson rings (with E.S. Letzter)
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995) 1673-1680
- Math. Reviews 95g:16029; Zentralblatt 839.16023
- Prime ideals in skew and q-skew polynomial rings (with E.S. Letzter)
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 521 (1994)
- Math. Reviews 94j:16051; Zentralblatt 814 (1995) 16026
- An unbounded localizable clique
- Contemp. Math. 130 (1992) 145-152
- Math. Reviews 93g:16033; Zentralblatt 796.16003
- Prime ideals in skew polynomial rings and quantized Weyl algebras
- J. Algebra 150 (1992) 324-377
- Math. Reviews 93h:16051; Zentralblatt 779.16010
- Prime links in differential operator rings
- Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 42 (1991) 457-487
- Zentralblatt 757 (1993) 16010; Math. Reviews 93a:16020
- Classical localizability in solvable enveloping algebras and Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt extensions
- J. Algebra 132 (1990) 243-262
- Zentralblatt 712 (1991) 16017; Math. Reviews 91j: 16021
- Prime ideals in differential operator rings. Catenarity (with K.A. Brown and T.H. Lenagan)
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 317 (1990) 749-772
- Zentralblatt 692 (1990) 16002; Math. Reviews 90e: 16005
- Constructing bad noetherian local domains using derivations (with T.H. Lenagan)
- J. Algebra 123 (1989) 478-495
- Zentralblatt 692 (1990) 13005; Math. Reviews 90g: 13011
- Global dimension of differential operator rings. IV - Simple modules
- Forum Math. 1 (1989) 185-200
- Zentralblatt 656 (1989) 16001; Math. Reviews 90e: 16041
- Linked injectives and Ore localizations
- J. London Math. Soc. (2) 37 (1988) 404-420
- Zentralblatt 612 (1987) 16005; Math. Reviews 89g: 16002
- Localizations of essential extensions (with D.A. Jordan)
- Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 31 (1988) 243-247
- Zentralblatt 619 (1988) 16001; Math. Reviews 90a: 16004
- Uniform rank over differential operator rings and Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt extensions (with A.D. Bell)
- Pacific J. Math. 131 (1988) 13-37
- Zentralblatt 598 (1987) 16002; Math. Reviews 88j: 16004
- Non-artinian essential extensions of simple modules (with A.H. Schofield)
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 (1986) 233-236
- Zentralblatt 594 (1987) 16009; Math. Reviews 87m: 16029
- Patch-continuity of normalized ranks of modules over one-sided noetherian rings
- Pacific J. Math. 122 (1986) 83-94
- Zentralblatt 549 (1985) 16006; Math. Reviews 87i: 16019
- Localizations of injective modules (with D.A. Jordan)
- Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 28 (1985) 289-299
- Zentralblatt 562 (1985) 16013; Math. Reviews 87c: 16003
- Krull versus global dimension in noetherian P.I. rings (with L.W. Small)
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 92 (1984) 175-178
- Zentralblatt 519 (1984) 16011; Math. Reviews 86d: 16020
- Height plus differential dimension in commutative noetherian rings (with T.H. Lenagan and P.C. Roberts)
- J. London Math. Soc. (2) 30 (1984) 15-20
- Zentralblatt 511 (1984) 13017; Math. Reviews 86e: 13004
- Krull and global dimensions of Weyl algebras over division rings (with T.J. Hodges and T.H. Lenagan)
- J. Algebra 91 (1984) 334-359
- Zentralblatt 558 (1985) 16002; Math. Reviews 86d: 16034
- Simple noetherian rings not isomorphic to matrix rings over domains
- Communic. in Algebra 12 (1984) 1421-1434
- Zentralblatt 537 (1985) 16006; Math. Reviews 85j: 16027
- Krull dimension of skew-Laurent extensions (with T.H. Lenagan)
- Pacific J. Math. 114 (1984) 109-147
- Zentralblatt 496 (1983) 16001; Math. Reviews 86a: 16001
- Krull dimension of differential operator rings. IV - Multiple derivations (with T.H. Lenagan)
- Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 47 (1983) 306-336
- Zentralblatt 498 (1983) 16001; Math. Reviews 85f: 16026
- Centralizers in differential, pseudo-differential, and fractional differential operator rings
- Rocky Mtn. J. Math. 13 (1983) 573-618
- Zentralblatt 532 (1984) 16002; Math. Reviews 85b: 13039
- Krull dimension of differential operator rings. III - Noncommutative coefficients (with T.H. Lenagan)
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 275 (1983) 833-859
- Zentralblatt 529 (1984) 16001; Math. Reviews 85f: 16025
- Primitivity in differential operator rings (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- Math. Zeitschrift 180 (1982) 503-523
- Zentralblatt 495 (1983) 16002; Math. Reviews 83k: 13018
- Krull dimension of differential operator rings (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 45 (1982) 49-70
- Zentralblatt 493 (1983) 16004; Math. Reviews 83j: 16032
- State spaces of K0 of noetherian rings (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- J. Algebra 71 (1981) 322-378
- Zentralblatt 472 (1982) 16005; Math. Reviews 83h: 16019
- Incompressible critical modules
- Communic. in Algebra 8 (1980) 1845-1851
- Zentralblatt 449 (1981) 16021; Math. Reviews 81k: 16027
- Simple modules over hereditary noetherian prime rings (with R.B. Warfield, Jr.)
- J. Algebra 57 (1979) 82-100
- Zentralblatt 422 (1980) 16002; Math. Reviews 80g: 16005
- Global dimension of differential operator rings. III
- J. London Math. Soc. 17 (1978) 397-409
- Zentralblatt 389 (1979) 16015; Math. Reviews 58 (1979) 28072
- Global dimension of differential operator rings. II
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 209 (1975) 65-85
- Zentralblatt 306 (1976) 16018; Math. Reviews 52 (1976) 3244
- Global dimension of differential operator rings
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 45 (1974) 315-322
- Zentralblatt 263 (1974) 13003; Math. Reviews 52 (1976) 3243
- Localization and splitting in hereditary noetherian prime rings
- Pacific J. Math. 53 (1974) 137-151
- Zentralblatt 259 (1974) 16002; Math. Reviews 50 (1975) 7225
Last Modified: September 2022
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