Von Neumann Regular Rings
- Von Neumann Regular Rings
- Monographs and Studies in Math., No. 4
- London (1979) Pitman
- Zentralblatt 411 (1980) 16007; Math. Reviews 80e:16011;
- Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1980) 752-757
- Second Edition:
- Malabar, FL (1991) Krieger
- Zentralblatt 749 (1992) 16001; Math. Reviews 93m:16006
Expository and Overview Articles
- Von Neumann regular rings and direct sum decomposition problems
- in Abelian Groups and Modules, Padova 1994 (A. Facchini and C. Menini, Eds.), pp. 249-255
- Dordrecht (1995) Kluwer
- Zentralblatt 841.16008; Math. Reviews MR1378203
- Partially ordered Grothendieck groups
- in Algebra and Its Applications (H.L. Manocha and J.B. Srivastava, Eds.), pp. 71-90
- New York (1984) Dekker
- Zentralblatt 544 (1985) 16011; Math. Reviews MR0750851
- Von Neumann regular rings: Connections with functional analysis
- Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1981) 125-134
- Zentralblatt 467 (1982) 16020; Math. Reviews 82d:16012
- Regular rings and rank functions
- in Noncommutative Ring Theory Kent State 1975 (J.H. Cozzens and F.L. Sandomierski, Eds.), pp. 83-104
- Lecture Notes in Math. No. 545
- Berlin (1976) Springer-Verlag
- Zentralblatt 341 (1977) 16006; Math. Reviews 55 (1978) 401
Research Articles
- The separativity problem in terms of varieties and diagonal reduction (with P. Ara, P.P. Nielsen, E. Pardo, and F. Perera)
- in NonCommutative Rings and their Applications, VIII (A. Laghribi and A. Leroy, eds.)
- Contemp. Math.
- Regular ring properties degraded through inverse limits (with P. Ara, K.C. O'Meara, E. Pardo, and F. Perera)
- J. Algebra 664 (2025) 365-397
- The realization problem for some wild monoids and the Atiyah problem (with P. Ara)
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369 (2017) 5665-5710
- Math Reviews MR3646775; Zentralblatt 1405.16013
- The complete dimension theory of partially ordered systems with equivalence and orthogonality (with F. Wehrung)
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 831 (2005) viii+1-117
- Zentralblatt 1075.06001; Math. Reviews 06d:06001
- K0 of purely infinite simple regular rings (with P. Ara and E. Pardo)
- K-Theory 26 (2002) 69-100
- Zentralblatt 1012.16013; Math. Reviews 04e:19001
- Representations of distributive semilattices in ideal lattices of various algebraic structures (with F. Wehrung)
- Algebra Universalis 45 (2001) 71-102
- Math. Reviews 02g:06008; Zentralblatt 1039.06003
- K1 of separative exchange rings and C*-algebras with real rank zero (with P. Ara, K. C. O'Meara, and R. Raphael)
- Pacific J. Math. 195 (2000) 261-275
- Math. Reviews 01m:46155; Zentralblatt 1108.46311
- Separative cancellation for projective modules over exchange rings (with P. Ara, K. C. O'Meara, and E. Pardo)
- Israel J. Math. 105 (1998) 105-137
- Math. Reviews 99g:16006; Zentralblatt 908.16002
- Diagonalization of matrices over regular rings (with P. Ara, K. C. O'Meara, and E. Pardo)
- Linear Algebra Applic. 265 (1997) 147-163
- Zentralblatt 883.15006; Math. Reviews 98i:16013
- Torsion in K0 of unit-regular rings
- Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 38 (1995) 331-341
- Zentralblatt 821 (1995) 16008; Math. Reviews 97c:16010
- K-theoretically simple von Neumann regular rings (with P. Ara, E. Pardo, and D.V. Tyukavkin)
- J. Algebra 174 (1995) 531-552
- Math. Reviews 96g:16012; Zentralblatt 837.16008
- K0 of regular rings with bounded index of nilpotence
- in Abelian Group Theory and Related Topics (R. Göbel, P. Hill, and W. Liebert, Eds.)
- Contemp. Math. 171 (1994) 173-199
- Math. Reviews 95h:16008; Zentralblatt 816 (1995) 16012
- Free and residually artinian regular rings (with P. Menal and J. Moncasi)
- J. Algebra 156 (1993) 407-432
- Math. Reviews 94f:16025; Zentralblatt 780.16006
- The almost isomorphism relation for simple regular rings (with P. Ara)
- Publ. Mat. (Barcelona) 36 (1992) 369-388
- Math. Reviews 94f:16024; Zentralblatt 792.16013
- Cancellation of finitely generated modules over regular rings (with J. Moncasi)
- Osaka J. Math. 26 (1989) 679-685
- Zentralblatt 716 (1991) 16007; Math. Reviews 91b:16013
- Classification of ring and C*-algebra direct limits of finite-dimensional semisimple real algebras (with D.E. Handelman)
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 372 (1987) vii + 1-147
- Zentralblatt 629 (1988) 46053; Math. Reviews 88k: 46067
- Tensor products of dimension groups and K0 of unit-regular rings (with D.E. Handelman)
- Canadian J. Math. 38 (1986) 633-658
- Zentralblatt 608 (1987) 16027; Math. Reviews 87i:16043
- Directly finite aleph-nought-continuous regular rings
- Pacific J. Math. 100 (1982) 105-122
- Zentralblatt 453 (1981) 16007; Math. Reviews 83j:16022
- Metrically complete regular rings
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 272 (1982) 275-310
- Zentralblatt 494 (1983) 16007; Math. Reviews 83i:16014
- Extensions of simple by simple unit-regular rings
- in Ring Theory Antwerp 1980 (F. Van Oystaeyen, Ed.), pp. 42-58
- Lecture Notes in Math. No. 825
- Berlin (1980) Springer-Verlag
- Zentralblatt 446 (1981) 16010; Math. Reviews 82m:16009
- Affine representations of Grothendieck groups and applications to Rickart C*-algebras and Aleph0-continuous regular rings (with D.E. Handelman and J.W. Lawrence)
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 234 (1980) vii+1-163
- Zentralblatt 435 (1981) 16005; Math. Reviews 81f:16040
- Artinian and noetherian modules over regular rings
- Communic. in Algebra 8 (1980) 477-504
- Zentralblatt 438 (1981) 16006; Math. Reviews 81g:16015
- Homogenization of regular rings of bounded index (with D.E. Handelman)
- Pacific J. Math. 84 (1979) 63-78
- Zentralblatt 388 (1979) 16012; Math. Reviews 81f:16020
- Centers of regular self-injective rings
- Pacific J. Math. 76 (1978) 381-395
- Zentralblatt 351 (1978) 16007; Math. Reviews 58 (1979) 28059
- Completions of regular rings. II
- Pacific J. Math. 72 (1977) 423-459
- Zentralblatt 337 (1977) 16002; Math. Reviews 57 (1979) 16354
- Algebraic representations of Choquet simplexes
- J. Pure Appl. Algebra 11 (1977) 111-130
- Zentralblatt 372 (1978) 16009; Math. Reviews 57 (1979) 6147
- Dimension theory for nonsingular injective modules (with A.K. Boyle)
- Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. No. 177 (1976) vii+1-112
- Zentralblatt 335 (1977) 16024; Math. Reviews 55 (1978) 3001
- Completions of regular rings
- Math. Annalen 220 (1976) 229-252
- Zentralblatt 321 (1976) 16010; Math. Reviews 53 (1977) 13296
- Rank functions and K0 of regular rings (with D. Handelman)
- J. Pure Appl. Algebra 7 (1976) 195-216
- Zentralblatt 321 (1976) 16009; Math. Reviews 52 (1976) 10794
- Simple self-injective rings (with D. Handelman)
- Communic. in Algebra 3 (1975) 797-834
- Zentralblatt 311 (1976) 16029; Math. Reviews 52 (1976) 498
- Simple regular rings and rank functions
- Math. Annalen 214 (1975) 267-287
- Zentralblatt 285 (1975) 16008; Math. Reviews 53 (1977) 13295
- Simple self-injective rings need not be artinian
- Communic. in Algebra 2 (1974) 83-89
- Zentralblatt 267 (1974) 16011; Math. Reviews 50 (1975) 402
- Prime ideals in regular self-injective rings. II
- J. Pure Appl. Algebra 3 (1973) 357-373
- Zentralblatt 272 (1974) 16016; Math. Reviews 48 (1974) 8561
- Prime ideals in regular self-injective rings
- Canadian J. Math. 25 (1973) 829-839
- Zentralblatt 229 (1972) 16021; Math. Reviews 48 (1974) 4037
Author: goodearl-at-math.ucsb.edu
Last Modified: November 2024
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