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Math 34A

 MATH 34A, Lectures 02, 04, Winter 2009
 TR 12:30-1:45 pm, North Hall 1006
 TR 8:00-9:15 am, Girvetz 1004
Viktor Grigoryan
SH 6702
(805) 893-2889
T 9:30-11 am, R 10:45-12:15 pm
TA's: Stepan Paul, spaul-AT-math.ucsb.edu
Grace Kennedy, kgracekennedy-AT-gmail.com
Text: "Calculus and Mathematical Reasoning for Social and Life Sciences" by Daryl Cooper. 
Format:          The lectures will closely follow the material in the textbook, though some extra material as well as examples/applications may be presented. Every student is expected to consult the theory in the book and to go through the suggested problems in the end of the sections (even if not assigned).
Homework: There will be regular homework sets due half an hour before the beginning of every lecture, starting with Thursday, 01/08. These will be assigned on webwork, where you will submit your answers as well. Your inital login and password for webwork is your perm number. (Make sure you are logging into the correct course: 12:30-1:45 lecture is Section 2 (Math34A-02-W09-Grigoryan); 8:00-9:15 lecture is Section 4 (Math34A-04-W09-Grigoryan)).
No late homework will be accepted!
Quizes: You will have quizes during each and every discussion session, which will be administered and graded by the TA. The two lowest scores on the quizes will be dropped. No make up quizes will be offered.
Exams: There will be two in-class midterm exams during the quarter, and a final exam at the end.
Exam 1 will take place on Thursday, 01/29/09.
Exam 2 will take place on Thursday, 02/26/09.
Final Exam will take place on Tuesday, 03/17/09, 12-3 pm (12:30-1:45 lecture), Friday, 03/20/09, 8-11 am (8:00-9:15 lecture).
All of the exams will take place in the lecture halls. Presenting a student ID with the completed exam is a must for your exam to be evaluated.No formula sheets or calculators will be allowed during any of the exams. No make-ups will be offered for the midterm exams. If a conflict prevents you from taking the final exam, you need to let me know of the compelling reasons by Tuesday, 03/03/09 (two weeks prior to the final exam). Review sessions will be arranged before each of the exams.
Grading: Your final raw (percentage) score will be decided upon the quizes, homeworks, two midterms exams, and the final exam. The break-up of the final grade is as follows:
Quizes (Q)- 5%
Homework (HW)- 10%
Exam 1 (E1)- 25%
Exam 2 (E2)- 25%
Final (F)- 35%
Thus, your final percantage grade can be computed by the formula (0.05Q+0.1HW+0.25E1+0.25E2+0.35F).
You are encouraged to discuss your progress in the course with the instructor at any time during the quarter.
Help: You are encouraged to utilize the following assistance services:
Math Lab - Free walk-in tutoring offered by the Math Department. It's open five days a week, 12 - 5 pm in South Hall 1607.
CLAS - Campus Learning Assistance Services, free tutorial services (sign-up online).
If you believe you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability, that may impact your course work, please contact the DSP office at SRB 2120 and let the instructor know as soon as possible, so that proper accomodations can be arranged for your needs.

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