- Robert Gordon Univ., Aberdeen
Maths. Dept.
- Aberdeen Maths. Dept.
- Abertay
University home page.
- Aberystwyth Maths. Dept.
- Aston Maths. Dept., Birmingham
- Bangor Maths. Dept.
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Maths. Dept.
- Belfast, Dept. of Appl. Maths &
Theor. Phys., Queens.
- Belfast, Dept. of Pure Maths, Queens.
- Bolton Institute Div. of Maths.
- Birmingham Maths. Dept.
- Bradford Maths. Dept.
- Bristol Maths. Dept.
- Brighton Sch. of Comp. and Math. Sci.
- HP's
Basic Research Inst. in Math. Sci. BRIMS,
- Department of Engineering Maths,
- Brunel Maths. Dept.
- Cambridge Faculty of Mathematics.
- CNLS Leeds
- DAMTP, Cambridge
- Isaac Newton Inst. for Math. Sci., Cambridge
- University College Chester Maths. Dept.
- Coventry Maths. Dept.
- Cranfield Applied Maths and Computing Group.
- Cranfield (RMCS) Dept. of Appl. Maths and OR.
- Cardiff School of Maths
- CTI Centre
for Maths, Birmingham
- CTI Centre
for Stats, Glasgow
- De
Montfort Maths. Dept., Leicester.
- Dundee Maths. Dept.
- Durham Maths. Dept.
- School of Maths, East
Anglia Maths. Dept., Norwich.
- Edinburgh Maths. Dept.
- The Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
- The Royal Society of Edinburgh.
- The EPSRC (Eng. and
Phys. Sci. Research Council)
- Essex Maths. Dept.
- Exeter Maths. Dept.
- Exeter Math.
Stats. and Operational Research Dept.
- Glasgow Maths. Dept.
- Glasgow Stats. Dept.
- Glasgow Caledonian Maths. Dept.
- Glamorgan Acc. and Maths. Dept.
- Greenwich Maths. Dept.
- Goldsmiths College London, Maths. Sci. Dept.
- Heriot-Watt Actuarial Maths. & Stats. Dept., Edinburgh
- Heriot-Watt Maths. Dept., Edinburgh
- Hertfordshire Maths Division.
- Huddersfield Maths. Dept.
- Hull School of Maths.
- Imperial College Maths. Dept., London
- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)
- Int. Centre for
Math. Sci. (ICMS), Edinburgh.
- Kent Inst. of Maths. and Stats., Canterbury.
- Keele Maths. Dept.
- Kingston Sch. of Maths
- Kings College Maths. Dept., London.
- South Bank University Maths. Dept., London
- Univ. of Central Lancashire Maths. and Stats. Dept.
- Lancaster Maths. Dept.
- Leeds: School of Mathematics
Computational PDEs Unit.
- Leicester Maths. Dept.
- Liverpool Dept of Maths. Sci.
- Liverpool John Moores University
- City University, London, Maths Dept.
- City Univ., London, Actuarial Sci. and Stats Dept.
- Centre for
Nonlin. Dyn. and Appl., Univ. Coll., London
- London Mathematical Society
- London
School of Economics Maths Dept.
- London
School of Economics Stats Dept.
- Loughborough Maths. Dept.
- Manchester Maths. Dept.
- Manchester Metropolitan University Comp. and Maths. Dept.
- MCCM Manchester Centre for Comp. Math.
- Middlesex Sch. of Maths & Stats
- Napier Maths, Edinburgh.
- Newcastle Eng. Maths
- Newcastle Maths and Stats
- Northumbria
Maths Dept. (Gopher only)
- Nottingham Maths. Dept.
- Nottingham Theor. Mech. Dept.
- Nottingham Trent Univ.
- Shell Centre for Math. Ed., Nottingham
- The Open Univ., Fac. of Maths and Comp.
- Oxford Maths. Inst.
- OCIAM (Oxford Centre for Industrial Appl. Math)
- Oxford Brookes Maths Dept.
- Oxford Univ. Comp. Lab.
- Paisley Maths and Stats.
- Plymouth
School of Maths. and Stats.
- Portsmouth
School of Maths. and Stats.
- Queen Mary and Westfield Coll. Maths. Dept, London
- RCMS (Cranfield) Dept. of Appl. Maths and OR.
- Reading
Maths Dept.
- Reading
Applied Stats. Dept.
- Royal Holloway
Maths. Dept., London
- Royal Society, London
Rutherford Appleton Lab., Atlas Centre, Num. Anal. Group.
- St Andrews Maths. Dept.
- Salford Maths. Dept.
- University College Salford Maths. and Comp. Dept.
- Sheffield Maths
- Sheffield Hallam
- Southampton Maths Div.
- Stirling Maths Dept.
- Strathclyde Maths. Dept., Glasgow
- Strathclyde Dept. of Stats and Modelling Sci., Glasgow
- Surrey Maths Dept.,
- Sussex School of
Math. Sci.
- Swansea Maths Dept.
- Teesside School of Comp. and Maths.
- Ulster Sch. of Comp. & Maths.
- Ulster Div. of Maths, Sch. of Info. & Soft. Eng.
- UMIST Maths. Dept.
- Warwick Maths. Dept.,
- Warwick Stats. Dept.,
- Univ. of the West of England Fac. Comp. Stud. and Maths (no Maths Dept pages yet).
- Wolverhampton Maths Dept.
- York Maths. Dept.