From dynamics of granular media to models of biological swarming, a range of physical and biological processes can be described by particle systems involving nonlocal interactions. A key tool in the analysis of such systems is their gradient flow structure, and the resulting interplay between particle and energy methods has recently led to new developments in partial differential equations, numerical analysis, and inverse problems. In this AMS special section, we aim to bring together young researchers with leading experts to explore new connections between modeling, analysis, and numerical simulation of particle methods and nonlocal partial differential equations.
General Information
Dates: Saturday, November 4th and Sunday, November 5th
Location: 2340 Sproul Hall
Updated Schedule: (bold font indicates talks in our special session)
7:30am: Registration, 3rd Floor Lobby, Highlander Union Building (HUB)
9:20am: Welcome to our special session, 2340 Sproul Hall
9:30am: Marie-Therese Wolfram
10:00am: Franca Hoffmann
11:10am-12:00pm: Plenary Talk, Paul Balmer, 302 Highlander Union Building (HUB)
2:00pm-2:50pm: Plenary Talk, Monica Vazirani, 302 Highlander Union Building (HUB)
3:00pm: Francesco Patacchini, 2340 Sproul Hall
3:30pm: Li Wang
4:00pm: Discussion
4:30pm: Fangbo Zhang
5:00pm: Bjorn Birnir
8:00am: Tryphon Georgiou, 2340 Sproul Hall
8:30am: Alpár Mészáros
9:00am: Katy Craig
9:30am: Discussion
10:00am: James Kelliher
10:30am: Yuming Zhang
11:10am-12:00pm: Plenary Talk, Pavel Etingof, 302 Highlander Union Building (HUB)
12:10pm-1:50pm: MSRI Lunch/Presentation, Room 282, Surge Building (RSVP to
2:00pm: Eric Carlen, 2340 Sproul Hall
2:30pm: Dohyun Kwon
3:00pm: Ihsan Topaloglu
Titles and abstracts are available on the AMS website:
Talks will be 20 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions. A blackboard and a laptop with projector will be available.
Travel Expenses
Ph.D. students may apply for support for travel expenses:
Registration and Accommodations
Registration information, recommended accommodations, and other information about visiting Riverside is available at