Lectures on lower division linear algebra

In 2013 I was asked to teach lower division linear algebra at UC Santa Barbara, which runs on the quarter system. With hundreds of students in the class and no blackboard available, the best instructional option was computer projected slides created via LaTex beamer. These can be downloaded here as a .zip file, which opens up into 24 fifty-minute lecture files.

Each lecture file contains

The quarter contained 28 instruction days. Two of these were devoted to midterms and two to reviews. The 24 remaining days did not allow for the inclusion of at least two natural and important topics:
As you can see below, I have placed all of this work in the public domain. Feel free to use it, or alter it as you wish, without the need for acknowledgement. I am not an expert on LaTex, beamer practice, iclicker pedagogy, or any other skill that might have been helpful in creating these lectures. Beyond this, I am happy to act as a clearinghouse for whatever alterations or additions that you make for the good of the community, so long as you also place these in the public domain. Useful examples that come to mind are:

To the extent possible under law, Martin Scharlemann has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the above "Lectures on lower division linear algebra".