Cake in the Shape of Pie

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Current Course

This quarter I am teaching MATH 108A (Introduction to Linear Algebra). Here is the course website if you are interested. We will be utilizing GauchoSpace for this course. If you have trouble signing up for our GauchoSpace page let me know and I will add you.

Office Hours

Spring 2014

South Hall 6702
Tue & Wed 9-10:30a

Courses at UCSB

Spring 2014: Math 260P. Course website can be found here. Feel free to check out the blog we compiled throughout the course

Winter 2014: Math 8. Course website can be found here

Fall 2013: Math 103. Course website can be found here

Courses at UT Austin

Here is a list of courses I have been involved with in my time at UT.

Spring 2013: TA for Prof Spice's M408S: Integral Calculus

Spring 2012: SI (Supplemental Instruction) TA for Prof Radin's M408K: Differential Calculus.

Fall 2011: SI TA for Prof Heitmann's M408C: Calculus I.

Spring 2011: GRA for Prof Odell's M361K: Introduction to Real Analysis.

Fall 2010: TA for Prof Irwin's M302: Introduction to Mathematics.

Summer 2010: TA for Prof Mann & Prof Radin's M408D: Calculus II.

Spring 2010: SI TA for Prof Kushner's M408M: Multivariable Calculus.

Fall 2009: SI TA for Prof Chu's M408D: Calculus II.

Spring 2009: TA for Prof Berg's M316: Elementary Statistical Methods.

Fall 2008: TA for Prof Odell's M408D: Calculus II.

Spring 2008: TA for Prof Ying's M408K: Differential Calculus.

Fall 2007: TA for Prof Kwon's M408C: Calculus I.


In the Fall of 2011 I gave a talk entitled Infinitely Many Mathematicians Walk into a Coffee Shop to the Austin Math Circle. The purpose of the talk was to attempt to explain concepts such as sequences, limits, and \(\infty\) to grade school students. (Slides)

Teaching Statement

Here is a copy of my teaching statement