Sherilyn Tamagawa


If you would like to request that I write you a recommendation, please ask me first (in person or via email). If I agree to write a recommendation for you, please send me answers to the following questions.

  1. By what name should I refer to you? For example, perhaps I call you Sheri in class, but you prefer I use Sherilyn in formal settings.
  2. By what pronouns should I refer to you?
  3. What are all the ways I know you? Perhaps you have taken a class or several classes from me, you've graded or tutored for a class I've taught, you're involved in a student organization that I advise, you always attend departmental events, etc.
  4. What program(s) are you applying to? What are they looking for in applicants? Why am I a good person to write this recommendation?
  5. When are your application deadlines, and how do I submit my letter? Would the program(s) like for me to focus on anything in particular/did they leave special instructions?
  6. What are your long-term goals? How does the program you're applying to relate to those goals?
  7. Is there anything else you would like me to know/focus on in the letter?