Michael Dougherty

Discrete Geometry & Combinatorics Seminar

A weekly seminar on topics in discrete geometry with a combinatorial flavor.

We meet on Wednesdays 2:00-3:00pm in South Hall, 4607B.

For more information, contact the organizers: Michael Dougherty, Jon McCammond, and Nathan Williams.

Past schedules:

The Mysterious Geometry of Artin Groups II: On the Edge

Jon McCammond | April 12

Geometric Robinson-Schensted Correspondence in Type C

Daniele Rosso (UC Riverside) | April 19

Flow Polytopes and Tesler Matrices

Alejandro Morales (UCLA) | April 26

An Introduction to Bijective Combinatorics

David Nguyen | May 3

The Mysterious Geometry of Artin Groups III

Jon McCammond | May 10

The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth Corrrespondence and Quiver Representations

Hugh Thomas (UQAM) | May 17

Generalizing Thales' Theorem

Stepan Paul | May 24


--- | May 31