Eleni Panagiotou

Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: South Hall 6524

Research Interests


  1. Panagiotou E. and Millett K. C., 2018, Linking matrices in systems with periodic boundary conditions J. Phys. A: Math. Theor [link to preprint]
  2. Panagiotou E., Millett K. C. and Atzberger P., 2017, Topological Methods for Polymeric Materials: Characterizing the Relationship Between Polymer Entanglement and Viscoelasticity, (submitted). [link to preprint]
  3. Millett K. C. and Panagiotou E., 2016, Linking in systems with one-dimensional periodic boundaries, Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, PROMS (accepted). [link to preprint]
  4. Millett K. C. and Panagiotou E., 2016, Entanglement transitions in one dimensional confined flows, Fluid dynamics Research (accepted manuscript).[link to preprint]
  5. Igram S., Millett K. C. and Panagiotou E., 2016, Resolving critical degrees of entanglement in olympic rings systems, J. Knot Theory Ramif. 25 14.[link to full paper]
  6. Panagiotou E. 2015, The linking number in systems with periodic boundary conditions, J. Comp. Phys. 300 533-573.[link to full paper]
  7. Panagiotou E. and Kröger M., 2014, Pulling force-induced elongation and alignment effects on entanglement and knotting characteristics of linear polymers in a melt Phys. Rev. E 90 042602.[link to full paper]
  8. Panagiotou E., Kröger M and Millett K. C., 2013, Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length Phys. Rev. E 88 062604.[link to full paper]
  9. Panagiotou E., Millett K. C. and Lambropoulou S., 2013, Quantifying entanglement for collections of chains in models with periodic boundary conditions Procedia IUTAM: Topological Fluid Dynamics II 7 pp.251-260.[link to full paper]
  10. Panagiotou E., Tzoumanekas C., Lambropoulou S., Millett K. C. and Theodorou D. N., 2011, A study of the entanglement in systems with periodic boundary conditions Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement 191 pp.172-181.[link to full paper]
  11. Panagiotou E., Millett K. C. and Lambropoulou S, 2010, The mean squared linking number and the writhe of uniform random walks in confined space J. Phys. A:Math. Theor. 43 045208-30.[link to full paper]

Work in progress:

  1. Study of the effect of hydrodynamic interactions in mechanical properties of entangled polymer solutions, joint work with P. J. Atzberger
  2. Study of nematic phase transition in bottlebrush polymers, joint work with G. H. Fredrickson and K. Delaney
  3. A topological model for protein folding based on tools from knot theory, joint work with K. Plaxco