Positions Available

Graduate Students and Undergraduate Positions

Our interdisciplinary research draws on key concepts from mathematics, physics, biology, and computational science. We tackle fundamental questions ranging from how microscopic biological systems function to how nanoscale engineered devices operate. A common theme is the investigation of the important roles played by fluctuations and stochastic phenomena. We draw on approaches from the areas of stochastic analysis, statistical mechanics, and scientific computing. There are many exciting opportunities in our group to develop new approaches for the study of biological systems and engineered devices. We also participate in several collaborations on campus. This offers many opportunities to interact with experimental scientists and engineers, and to link theory with practice.

To find out more about the opportunities for research in the Atzberger Group, please email Dr. Atzberger directly (see homepage). Graduate and undergraduate students from all scientific disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Research Summaries

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