Papers of Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann

Finite dimensional representations of quivers with oriented cycles (with K.R. Goodearl)
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Contravariant finiteness and iterated strong tilting (with Z. Nazemian and M. Saorin)
Algebras and Representation Theory 26 (2023) 2433-2465
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Dualities for modules of finite projective dimension (with M. Saorin)
in Advances in the Representation Theory of Algebras (I. Assem, Ch. Geiss and S. Trepode, Eds.)
Contemp. Math. 761 (2021) 61-101.
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Dualities from iterated tilting
Israel J. Math. 243 (2021) 315-353
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Closures in varieties of representations and irreducible components (with K.R. Goodearl)
Algebra and Number Theory 12 (2018) 379-410
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Understanding finite dimensional representations generically (with K.R. Goodearl)
in Geometric and Topological Aspects of the Representation Theory of Finite Groups (J.F. Carlson, S. Iyengar, J. Pevtsova, Eds.)
Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 242
Springer (2018) Cham, pp. 131-179
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Irreducible components of varieties of representations: the acyclic case (with I. Shipman)
Math. Zeitschr. 287 (2017) 1083-1107
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Representation-tame algebras need not be homologically tame
Algebras and Representation Theory 19 (2016) 943-956
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Irreducible components of varieties of representations of finite dimensional algebras I. The local case
J. Algebra 464 (2016) 198-225
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Orbit closures and rational surfaces (with F. M. Bleher and T. Chinburg)
J. Pure Applied Algebra 220 (2016) 1785-1812
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The geometry of finite dimensional algebras with vanishing radical square (with F. M. Bleher and T. Chinburg)
J. Algebra 425 (2015) 146-178
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Fine and coarse moduli spaces in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
in Expository Lectures on Representation Theory (K. Igusa, A. Martsinkovsky, and G. Todorov, Eds.)
Proceedings of the Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and International Conference (Woods Hole, April 2012)
Contemp. Math. 607 (2014) 1-34
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Top-stable degenerations of finite dimensional representations II (with H. Derksen and J. Weyman)
Advances in Math. 259 (2014) 730-765
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Irreducible components of module varieties: Projective equations and rationality (with K. R. Goodearl)
Contemp. Math. 562 (2012) 141-167
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Strongly tilting truncated path algebras (with A. Dugas)
manuscripta math. 134 (2011) 225-257
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A hierarchy of parametrizing varieties for representations
in Rings, Modules and Representations (Zanesville, Ohio, 2007) (N.V. Dung, et al., Eds.),
Contemp. Math. 480 (2009) 207-239.
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Generic representation theory of quivers with relations (with E. Babson and R. Thomas)
J. Algebra 322 (2009) 1877-1918.
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Truncated path algebras are homologically transparent (with A. Dugas and J. Learned)
in Models, Modules and Abelian Groups (R. Goebel and B. Goldsmith, Eds.), pp. 445-461
Berlin (2008) de Gruyter.
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Top-stable degenerations of finite dimensional representations I
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 96 (2008) 163-198.
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Classifying representations by way of Grassmannians
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007) 2687-2719.
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Stacks of algebras and their homology (with N. Heinschel)
Algebras and Representation Theory 10 (2007) 55-76.
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Moduli spaces of graded representations of finite dimensional algebras (with E. Babson and R. Thomas)
in Algebra and its Applications (Athens, Ohio, 2005), D. V. Huynh, S. K. Jain, and S. R. Lopez-Permouth, Eds.
Contemp. Math. 419 (2006) 7-27.
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The homology of string algebras I (with S. O. Smalo)
J. reine angew. Math. 580 (2005) 1-37.
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Four papers by L. Fuchs, S. Shelah, and P. Eklof on uniserial modules (invited review)
Bull. Symbolic Logic 8 (2002) 441-443.
Direct sums of representations as modules over their endomorphism rings (with M. Saorin)
J. Algebra 250 (2002) 67-89.
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Direct products of modules and the pure semisimplicity conjecture II (with M. Saorin)
Glasgow Math. J. 44 (2002) 317-321.
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Geometry of chain complexes and outer automorphisms under derived equivalence (with M. Saorin)
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353 (2001) 4757-4777.
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Direct products of modules and the pure semisimplicity conjecture (with F. Okoh)
Communic. in Algebra 29 (2001) 271-276.
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Varieties of uniserial representations IV. Kinship to geometric quotients (with K. Bongartz)
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353 (2001) 2091-2113.
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The geometry of uniserial representations of finite dimensional algebras II. Alternate viewpoints and uniqueness (with K. Bongartz)
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 157 (2001) 23-32.
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The phantom menace in representation theory
in Algebra and Its Applications (D.V. Huynh, S.K. Jain, and S.T. Lopez-Permouth, Eds.)
Contemp. Math. 259 (2000) 247-278.
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Purity, algebraic compactness, direct sum decompositions, and representation type
in Infinite Length Modules (Bielefeld, 1998) (H. Krause and C.M. Ringel, Eds.), pp. 331-367
Basel (2000) Birkhauser
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Viewing finite dimensional representations through infinite dimensional ones (with D. Happel)
Pacific J. Math. 187 (1999) 65-89
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Trends in the Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras (Seattle 1997) (Editor; with E. L. Green)
Contemp. Math. vol. 229
Providence (1998) Amer. Math. Soc.
Phantoms in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
in Proc. 30th. Symposium on Ring Theory and Representation Theory (Nagano, 1997), (Y. Iwanaga, Ed.), pp. 31-64
University of Nagano (1998).
A homological bridge between finite and infinite dimensional representations (with S.O. Smalo)
Algebras and Representation Theory 1 (1998) 169-188
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Repetitive resolutions over classical orders and finite dimensional algebras (with K.R. Goodearl)
in Algebras and Modules II (I. Reiten, S.O. Smalo, O. Solberg, Eds.)
Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. Series 24 (1998) 205-225
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Co- versus contravariant finiteness of categories of representations (with S.O. Smalo)
in Advances in Ring Theory (S.K. Jain and S.T. Rizvi, Eds.), pp. 129-144
Boston (1997) Birkhaeuser
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Torsion modules, lattices, and p-points (with P.C. Eklof and S. Shelah)
Bull. London Math. Soc. 29 (1997) 547-555
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Kiiti Morita 1915-1995 (with A. V. Arhangel'skii and K. R. Goodearl)
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (1997) 680-684.
Analyzing the structure of representations via approximations
in Representation Theory of Algebras and Related Topics (Mexico City 1994) (R. Bautista, R. Martinez-Villa, and J.A. de la Pena, Eds.)
Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. Series 19 (1996) 373-406
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The geometry of uniserial representations of finite dimensional algebras III: Finite uniserial type
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996) 4775-4812
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The geometry of uniserial representations of finite dimensional algebras I
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 127 (1998) 39-72
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The finitistic dimension conjectures -- A tale of 3.5 decades
in Abelian Groups and Modules (A. Facchini and C. Menini, Eds.), pp. 501-517
Dordrecht (1995) Kluwer
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Approximating modules by modules of finite projective dimension (with W.D. Burgess)
J. Algebra 178 (1995) 48-91
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Field-dependent homological behavior of finite dimensional algebras
manuscripta math. 82 (1994) 15-29
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A convenient source of homological examples over artinian rings
in Ring Theory (Proc. Biennial Ohio State-Denison Conf. 1992) (S.K. Jain and S.T. Rizvi, Eds.), pp. 364-372
Singapore (1993) World Scientific
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Homological assets of positively graded representations of finite dimensional algebras
in Representations of Algebras (Ottawa 1992) (V. Dlab and H. Lenzing, Eds.)
Canad. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. Series 14 (1993) 463-475
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Bounds on finitistic and global dimension for finite dimensional algebras with vanishing radical cube
J. Algebra (1993) 47-68.
Syzygies and homological dimensions over left serial rings
in Methods in Module Theory (G. Abrams, J. Haefner, and K.M. Rangaswamy, Eds.), pp. 161-174
New York (1992) Dekker
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On the abundance of Aleph1-separable modules
Contemp. Math. 130 (1992) 167-180
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Homological domino effects and the first finitistic dimension conjecture
Invent. Math. 108 (1992) 369-383
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Predicting syzygies over monomial relation algebras
Manuscripta Math. 70 (1991) 157-182.
Finitistic dimension of artinian rings with vanishing radical cube (with E. L. Green)
Math. Zeitschr. 206 (1991) 505-526.
Filtered Cartan matrices for artinian rings of low Loewy length (with K. R. Fuller)
in Non-Commutative Ring Theory (S. K. Jain and S. R. Lopez-Permouth, Eds.), pp. 72-79
Lecture Notes in Math. 1448
Berlin (1990) Springer-Verlag.
Exchanging torsion modules over Dedekind domains
Arch. Math. 55 (1990) 241-246.
Strong preinjective partitions and representation type of artinian rings
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 109 (1990) 309-322.
On the sparsity of representations of rings of pure global dimension zero (with W. Zimmermann)
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 320 (1990) 695-711.
Infinite joins that are finitely join-irreducible (with G. M. Bergman)
Order 7 (1990) 27-40.
Algebraic compactness of ultrapowers and representation type (with C. U. Jensen)
Pacific J. Math. 139 (1989) 251-265.
Transversally bounded lattices
Order 5 (1988) 187-207.
Finite uniserial rings of prime characteristic (with S. K. Jain and J. Luh)
Communications in Algebra 16 (1988) 2133-2135.
Lengths of submodule chains versus Krull dimension in non-noetherian modules (with K. R. Goodearl)
Math. Zeitschrift 191 (1986) 519-527.
On the generalized Nakayama conjecture and the Cartan determinant problem (with K. R. Fuller)
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 294 (1986) 679-691.
Combinatorial and recursive aspects of the automorphism group of the countable atomless Boolean algebra (with E. W. Madison)
J. Symbolic Logic 51 (1986) 292-301.
Boundedness of direct products of torsion modules (with K. R. Goodearl)
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 39 (1986) 251-273.
The Cartan matrix as an indicator of finite global dimension for artinian rings (with W. D. Burgess, K. R. Fuller, and E. R. Voss)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1985) 157-165.
Classes of modules with the exchange property (with W. Zimmermann)
J. Algebra 88 (1984) 416-434.
Direct products of torsion modules
Arch. der Math. 38 (1982) 426-431.
Iterated direct sums and products of modules (with M. Dugas)
in Lecture Notes in Math. No. 874, pp. 179-193
Berlin (1981) Springer-Verlag.
The sum-product splitting property and injective direct sums of modules over von Neumann regular rings
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 83 (1981) 251-254.
Rings whose right modules are direct sums of indecomposable modules
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 (1979) 191-197.
On Fuchs' Problem 76
J. reine angew. Math. 309 (1979) 86-91.
Decomposability of direct products of modules
J. Algebra 56 (1979) 119-128.
Algebraically compact rings and modules (with W. Zimmermann)
Math. Zeitschrift 161 (1978) 81-93.
Rings with descending chain condition on certain principal ideals (with K. Meyberg)
Indag. Math. 80 (1976) 225-229.
Pure submodules of direct products of free modules
Math. Annalen 224 (1976) 233-245.
Endomorphism rings of self-generators
Pacific J. Math. 61 (1975) 587-202.


Last Modified: December 2024

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