Adiabatic limits, the non-multiplicativity of signature and
Leray spectral sequence, Journal of A. M. S. vol 4 (1991), pp
256-321. pdf file
Geometric invariants and their adiabatic limits. 145--156,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 54, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 1993. pdf file
Eta invariants and determinant lines, J. Math. Phys., 35(1994),
5155-5194. with Dan Freed pdf file
Negative Ricci curvature and isometry group, Duke Math J.,
76(1994), 59-73. with Zhongmin Shen and Guofang Wei pdf file
Finite part of the spectrum and isospectrality, Contemp. Math
173(1994), pp. 99-107 with Guofang Wei pdf
The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem: a proof via embedding,
C. R. Acad. Sci, Paris, Series I, 319(1994), pp 1293-1297. with
Weiping Zhang pdf file
Invariants eta et droites determinants, C. R. Acad. Sci.,
Paris, Series I, 320(1995), pp 585-591. with Dan Freed pdf file
Circle bundles and the Kreck-Stolz invariant, Trans. A. M. S.,
347(1995), pp 3587-3593. with Weiping Zhang pdf file
A Toponogov type comparison estimate for the Ricci curvature,
Math. Ann. 303(1995), 297-306. with Guofang Wei pdf file
Higher spectral flows, Math. Res. Letters 3(1996), 93-102. with
Weiping Zhang pdf file
Smoothing Riemannian metrics with Ricci curvature bounds, Manu.
Math. 90(1996), 46-61. with Guofang Wei and Rugang Ye pdf file
Splitting of the family index, Comm. Math. Phys. 182(1996), pp
303-317. with Weiping Zhang pdf file
Higher spectral flows, J. Funct. Anal. 157(1998), pp 432-469.
with Weiping Zhang pdf file
Analytic torsion and R-torsion for manifolds with boundary,
Asian J. Math. 4(2000), pp695-714. with Hao Fang pdf file
Integral Pinching Theorems, Manu. Math. 101(2000), pp143-152.
with Peter Petersen and Guofang Wei pdf
Real embeddings and the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem for
Dirac operators, Asian J. Math. 4(2000), pp775-794. with Weiping
Zhang pdf file
APS boundary conditions, eta invariants and adiabatic limits,
Trans. AMS, 354(2002), pp107-122. pdf
A heat kernel lower bound for integral Ricci curvature,
Michigan J. Math. 52(2004), pp61-69. with Guofang Wei pdf file
A Positive Mass Theorem for Spaces with Asymptotic SUSY
Compactification, Comm. Math. Phys., 244(2004), 335-345. pdf file
On the asymptotic expansion of Bergman kernel, C. R. Acad. Sci,
Paris, Series I 339(2004), 193-198. with Kefeng Liu and Xiaonan Ma
pdf file
A Note on Positive Energy Theorem for Spaces with Asymptotic
SUSY Compactification, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46(2005),
042505-1 -- -7. pdf file
Eta invariant and conformal cobordism, Annals of Global
Analysis and Geometry, 27(2005), 333-340. pdf file
On the Stability of Riemannian Manifold with Parallel Spinors,
Invent. Math. 161(2005), 151-176. with Xiaodong Wang and Guofang
Wei pdf file
On the asymptotic expansion of Bergman kernel, Journal of
Differential Geometry 72(2006), 1-41. with Kefeng Liu and Xiaonan
Ma pdf file
Eta invariants for manifold with boundary, Analysis, Geometry
and Topology of Elliptic Operators, World Scientific and Imperial
College Press, 2006, 141-172 pdf file
An index theorem for Toeplitz operators on odd dimensional
manifolds with boundary, J. Funct. Anal. 238 (2006), no. 1, 1--26.
with Weiping Zhang pdf file
Hitchin-Thorpe Inequality for Noncompact Einstein
$4$-Manifolds, Advance in Math. 214 (2007) , no. 2, 551-570. with
Guofang Wei pdf file
Mass under the Ricci flow, Comm. Math. Phys. 274 (2007), 65-80.
with Li Ma pdf file
On the variational stability of Kahler-Einstein metrics, Comm.
Anal. Geom. 15 (2007), 669-693. with Xiaodong Wang and Guofang Wei
pdf file
Stability of Einstein metrics and spin structures, Proceedings
of the 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians
(2007), Vol. II, 59-72. pdf file
$L^2$-cohomology of Spaces of Non-isolated Conical Singularity
and Non-multiplicativity of signature, Progress in Mathematics
(2009), 271 Birkh\"auser, 1-24. with Jeff Cheeger pdf file
Adiabatic limit, Bismut-Freed connection and real analytic
torsion form, Journal f\"ur die reine und angewandte Mathematik
(Crelle's Journal), 2010. with Weiping Zhang pdf file
An Introduction to L2 Cohomology, Topology of Stratified
Spaces, MSRI Publications, vol. 58, 2010. pdf file
Adiabatic limit, heat kernels and analytic torsions, Progress
in Mathematics, Vol 297 Birhauser, 233-298。 with Richard Melrose pdf file
A remark on weighted Bergman kernel on orbifolds, Math Research
Letters, 19 (2012), no. 01, 1�6. with K. Liu and X. Ma pdf file
Eta invariants for even dimensional manifolds, Fifth
International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians. Part 1, 2,
51�60, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 51, pt. 1, 2, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 2012. pdf file
Eta Invariant and Holonomy: the even dimensional case, Adv. In
Math. 279(2015), 291-306. with W. Zhang pdf file
Comparison between two analytic torsions on orbifolds, Math
Z.(2017) 285:1269�1282 with J. Yu pdf
Local Sobolev constant estimate for integral Ricci curvature
bounds, Adv. in Math. 325 (2018), 1-33. with G. Wei and Z.
Zhang pdf file
Neumann isoperimetric constant estimate for convex domains,
Proc. AMS, 146 (2018), no. 8, 3509-3514. with G. Wei and Z. Zhang
pdf file
Perelman�s $\lambda$-functional for Manifolds with Conical
Singularities, J. Geom. Anal. (2018)28, 3657�3689, with C. Wang pdf file
Fundamental gap estimate for convex domains on sphere -- the
case n=2, to appear in Comm. Anal. Geom., with S. Seto, G.
Wei pdf file
Fundamental gap comparison; Survey in Geometric Analysis 2018,
(2019) 1-16, with S. Seto, G. Wei pdf file
Perelman's W-functional on manifolds with conical
singularities, to appear in MRL, with C. Wang pdf file
The intersection R-torsion of
a finite cone, with Xiaoling Huang pdf
Maximal volume entropy
rigidity for $\mathsf{RCD}^*(-(N-1),N)$ spaces , with C.
Connell, J. N\'u\~nez-Zimbr\'on, R. Perales, P. Su\'arez-Serrato,
G. Wei pdf file
Asymptotic spectral
flow, with Y. Li
pdf file
Analytic torsion for
log-Enriques surfaces, with Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa
Books and Lecture Notes
Metric and Differential Geometry, the Jeff Cheeger Anniversary
Volume. Progress in Mathematics, Vol 297 Birhauser. Co-edited with
X. Rong
From probability to geometry (I), Volume in honor of the 60th
Birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut, Asterique, vol. 327, 1-424.
Co-edited with Remi Leandre, Xiaonan Ma and Weiping Zhang.
From probability to geometry (II), Volume in honor of the 60th
Birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut, Asterique, vol. 328, 1-393.
Co-edited with Remi Leandre, Xiaonan Ma and Weiping Zhang.
Lectures On Dirac Operators And Index Theory pdf file
Comaprison Geometry for Ricci Curvature, with Guofang Wei pdf file