Let be a finite dimensional vector space over a field .

The projectiviziation of V is \[\mathbb{P}(V) = (V\backslash {0})/\mathbb{F}^\times = (V\backslash{0})/\sim\] where we say if for some nonzero .

If then we write .

One way to understand the projectivization of is as the space of 1-dimensional subspaces of .

If we take or , then we can consider to be the field together with a point at infinity via the following map:

A transformation sends 1-dimensional subspaces to 1-dimensional subspaces. Thus induces a map , which we call a projective transformation.

We now consider the case of further. Suppose , and write . Then \[[T]\left[\left(\begin{array}{c} x_0, \ x_1 \ \end{array}\right)\right] = \left[\left(\begin{array}{c} ax_0 + bx_1, \ cx_0 + dx_1 \ \end{array}\right)\right]. \]

Applying the map above, we find and that . We conclude that the group of projective transformations is isomorphic to the Mobius transformations.

We now note that acts trivially on if and only if fixes every 1-dimensional subspace of , which occurs if and only if for some nonzero .

Definition: The projective general linear group is \[PGL(V) = GL(V)/{\lambda \cdot \text{Id} : \lambda \neq 0}.\]

Exercise: The set of all nonzero multiples of the identity is the center of .

Definition: If is a vector subspace of , then is a projective subspace of .

  • If then is one point.
  • If then is a projective line.
  • If then is a projective hyperplane.

The following definition is necessary to define a projective basis.

Definition: A set of points in is in general position if for all , every subset of points in is not contained in a projective subspace of dimension .

So for example, any subset of 3 points of must not lie on a projective line.

A projective basis of is a set of points in general position.

Theorem: There exists a unique projective transformation taking one ordered projective basis to another.

Proof: Fix a basis of . Then is a projective basis for . Given another projective basis , it will suffice to show that there is a unique projective transformation taking this basis to our chosen one.

Now, since is a basis for , there exists a vector space isomorphism sending to for all . Note that is not the unique transformation taking to because of scaling.

Now we replace by . It remains to show that there exists a projective transformation that fixes each for and sends to .

We know , and we know that for all because our vectors are in general position. Thus the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries is the desired transformation.

To show uniqueness, we can suppose we have 2 transformations taking one basis to another, then compose one with the inverse of another. The result will be a projective transformation that fixes a projective basis. So it will suffice to show that if a projective transformation fixes every point in a projective basis, then it is .

So suppose that for all and that . So for all . Then since there is some scalar with for all . So as desired.

One way to understand is as the union of an affine patch with a projective hyperplane at infinity. This conception seems to suggest that there are two distinct kinds of points in projective space, but there is no actual difference.

Definition: An affine patch in is the complement of a hyperplane .

Since you can find a projective transformation sending any hyperplane to any other hyperplane, you can also send any affine patch to any other affine patch.

Definition: Let be a vector space over . A map is an affine map if there exist a linear map and a vector such that for all .

In other words, an affine map is a linear map plus a constant vector.

Definition: An affine geometry is a pair where is a vector space and is the group of affine isomorphisms of .

Proposition: .

Before proving the proposition we give some useful definitions.

Definition: Let be a real vector space. Then the positive projective space over is .

So, and is equal to .

Definition: .

Now we prove the proposition in the case of 2 projective dimensions. When we make out of equivalence classes of Euclidean 3-space, we can represent any equivalence classes not in the plane by points in the plane by writing . The points not accounted for here are of the form which may be considered a copy of . So the points in the plane are a copy of .

Now if we consider a transformation in , we need a transformation that preserves . So our transformation may be written

Where scaling allows us to set the bottom corner entry to 1. Then applied to an arbitrary will be a vector with 1 in the first position and the second two being an arbitrary affine transformation of .

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