Information for Instructors - Incompletes

Incompletes should only be given in the following circumstances:

1) The student has a serious excuse for not finishing the class: Death in the family, serious illness, etc. Doing badly in the class is not a valid reason for an incomplete.

2) The student has not yet completed the class, typically not taken the final exam but conceivably more. Incompletes can not be given after a final exam has been taken.

In this case you may sign the student's incomplete form. Be sure to indicate how much work is remaining, and what the student's grade up to that point is. NB: If the student is currently failing the class, this will still be true when the incomplete is made up. This is why we do not give incompletes in these cases.

Visiting faculty and graduate student Teaching Associates should consult with the vice chair before giving incompletes. For extensions of incompletes, the following policies are in place;

1) Only the vice chair can grant extensions.

2) The vice chair does not grant any extensions.