Association for Women in Mathematics

Undergraduate Chapter

University of California, Santa Barbara


UCSB AWM JMM Travel Grant

The UCSB Undergraduate AWM is planning on supporting a small group of undergraduates to attend the 2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings: a professional conference for mathematicians across the world to come together and present research and network. This is a great first step to becoming part of the larger mathematical community!

Applications are due November 15, 2023 5pm PST.

Getting Involved

In order for the Association of Women in Mathematics to operate, we require a dedicated and present officer team. Potential candidates first apply to the positions via an application. Once applied, current officers individually review each application and bring their opinions to a committee meeting run by the current president. They are evaluated based on their commitment to AWM and the skills they bring to the applied positions. Once a pool of candidates is selected, interviews are scheduled. Then, a final committee meeting is held and the decisions are disseminated through email.

Applications are now open

Apply Here!


If you have any questions, please email Join us on UCSB Shoreline to be subscribed to our emails.