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People in Geometric Group Theory

The following is a list of scholars in geometric group theory and low-dimensional topology (and a few members of neighboring fields), with links to their web pages. Please notify me of errors or omissions.

Subject Area Lists: Group Theory, Magnus, Topology Geometry-Topology, Low-dimensional Topology, Dynamical Systems, Combinatorics
General Lists: Mathematicians with homepages, Combined Membership List. Other Mathematicians


A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

Carolyn Abbott of Brandeis U.
Herbert Abels of U. Bielefeld, Germany
Peter Abramenko of U. Virginia
Aaron Abrams of Emory U.
Colin Adams of Williams C.
Scot Adams of U. Minnesota
Ian Agol of U. California - Berkeley
Azer Akhmedov of N. Dakota State
Yael Algom-Kfir of U. Haifa, Israel
Daniel Allcock of U. Texas - Austin
B.J.T. Allenby of U. Leeds, U.K.
Roger Alperin of San Jose State U.
Fredric Ancel of U. Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Jim Anderson of U. Southampton, U.K.
Yago Antolin of U. Autònoma de Madrid
Javier Aramayona of ICMAT, Spain
Goulnara Arzhantseva of U. Vienna, Austria

David Bachman of Pitzer C.
Patrick Bahls of U. N. Carolina - Asheville
Harry Baik of KAIST, South Korea
Werner Ballmann of U. Bonn, Germany
Josh Barnard of U. South Alabama
Laurent Bartholdi of U. Göttingen, Germany
Mike Batty of U. Newcastle, U.K.
Jason Behrstock of CUNY - Lehman C.
Igor Belegradek of Georgia Tech.
James Belk of Glasgow U., Scotland
Bob Bell of Michigan State U.
Greg Bell of U. N. Carolina - Greensboro
Hanna Bennett of U. Michigan
Dmitry Berdinsky of Mahidol U., Thailand
Edgar Bering of San Jose State U.
Ethan Berkove of Lafayette C.
Jon Berrick of National U. Singapore
David Bessis of U. Claude Bernard - Lyon I, France
Mladen Bestvina of U. Utah
Robert Bieri of U. Frankfurt, Germany
Stephen Bigelow of U. California - Santa Barbara
Joan Birman of Columbia U.
Collin Bleak of U. St. Andrews, Scotland
Rieuwert Blok of Bowling Green State U.
Bill Bogley of Oregon State U.
Oleg Bogopolski of U. Duesseldorf, Germany
Francis Bonahon of U. Southern California
Khalid Bou-Rabee of CUNY
Marc Bourdon of U. de Lille, France
Debra Boutin of Hamilton C.
Brian Bowditch of U. Warwick, U.K.
Lewis Bowen of U. Texas - Austin
Phil Bowers of Florida State U.
Rachael Boyd of Cambridge U., U.K.
Steven Boyer of U. du Quebec a Montreal, Canada
Noel Brady of U. Oklahoma
Tom Brady of Dublin City U., Ireland.
Corey Bregman of U. Southern Maine
Tara Brendle of Glasgow U., Scotland
Stephen Brick of U. South Alabama
Martin Bridgeman of Boston C.
Martin Bridson of Oxford U., U.K.
Matthew Brin of SUNY - Binghamton
Peter Brinkmann of CUNY
Mark Brittenham of U. Nebraska - Lincoln
Nathan Broaddus of The Ohio State U.
Jeff Brock of Brown U.
Ken Bromberg of U. Utah
Michel Broue of U. Paris VII, France
Ken Brown of Cornell U.
Ronnie Brown of U. Wales, U.K.
Inna Bumagin of Carlton U., Canada
Marc Burger of ETH - Zurich
Jose Burillo of U. Politècnica de Catalunya
Kai-Uwe Bux of U. Bielefeld, Germany

Danny Calegari of U. Chicago
Colin Campbell of U. St. Andrews, Scotland
Dick Canary of U. Michigan
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace of U. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Lisa Carbone of Rutgers U.
Montserrat Casals-Ruiz of U. of the Basque Country, Spain
Chris Cashen of U. Vienna, Austria
Andrew Casson of Yale U.
Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein of U. Sannio, Italy
Ruth Charney of Brandeis U.
Indira Chatterji of U. de Nice, France
Ian Chiswell of Queen Mary and Westfield, U.K.
Fabienne Chouraqui of U. Haifa-Oranim, Israel
Michelle Chu of U. Minnesota
Laura Ciobanu of U. Neuchatel, Switzerland
Matt Clay of U. Arkansas
Sean Cleary of CUNY
Andrew Clifford of College of New Jersey
Arjeh Cohen of T.U. Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Marshall Cohen of Cornell U.
Leo Comerford of Eastern Illinois U.
James Conant of U. Tennessee - Knoxville
Marston Conder of U. Auckland, New Zealand
Chris Connell of Indiana U. - Bloomington
Greg Conner of Brigham Young U.
Daryl Cooper of U. California - Santa Barbara
Michel Coornaert of IRMA, Strasbourg, France
Matthew Cordes of ETH - Zurich
Yves Cornulier of U. Claude Bernard - Lyon I, France
Jon Corson of U. Alabama
Thierry Coulbois of U. Aix Marseille III, France
Remi Coulon of U. Bourgogne, France
Katherine Crowley of Columbia U.
Marc Culler of U. Illinois - Chicago
Predrag Cvitanovic of Georgia Tech.

Francois Dahmani of Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, France
Pallavi Dani of Lousiana State U.
Oliver Dasbach of Lousiana State U.
Mike Davis of The Ohio State U.
Matthew Day of U. Arkansas
Pierre De La Harpe of U. Geneva, Switzerland
John Dean of U. South Alabama
Patrick Dehornoy of U. Caen, France
Karel Dekimpe of Katholieke U. Leuven
Jordi Delgado of U. Catalunya, Spain
Emanuele Delucchi of U. Bremen, Germany
Thomas Delzant of IRMA, Strasbourg, France
Satyan Devadoss of Williams C.
Warren Dicks of U. Autònoma de Barcelona
Francois Digne of U. de Picardie, France
Jeff Diller of U. Notre Dame
Michael Dougherty of Lafayette C.
Spencer Dowdall of Vanderbilt U.
Alexander Dranishnikov of U. Florida
Carl Droms of James Madison U.
Cornelia Drutu-Badea of Oxford U., U.K.
Bruno Duchesne of U. Lorraine, France
Moon Duchin of Tufts U.
David Dumas of U. Illinois - Chicago
Andrew Duncan of U. Newcastle, U.K.
Nathan Dunfield of U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Martin Dunwoody of U. Southampton, U.K.
Tullia Dymarz of U. Wisconsin

Martin Edjvet of U. Nottingham, U.K.
Murray Elder of U. Tech., Sydney, Australia
David Eppstein of U. California - Irvine
David Epstein of U. Warwick, U.K.
Anna Erschler of ENS-Paris, France
Alex Eskin of U. Chicago
Brent Everitt of U. York, U.K.

Benson Farb of U. Chicago
Dan Farley of Miami U., Ohio
James Farre of Max Planck Institute-Leipzig, Germany
Mark Feighn of Rutgers - Newark
Sergio Fenley of Florida State U.
Talia Fernos of U. N. Carolina - Greensboro
Benjamin Fine of Fairfield U.
David Fisher of Indiana U. - Bloomington
Ramon Flores of U.Sevilla, Spain
William Floyd of Virginia Tech.
Max Forester of U. Oklahoma
Ariadna Fossas of Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, France
Koji Fujiwara of Kyoto U., Japan
Alex Furman of U. Illinois - Chicago
David Futer of Temple U.

David Gabai of Princeton U.
Damien Gaboriau of ENS-Lyon, France
Swiatoslaw Gal of Wroclaw U., Poland
Soren Galatius of Stanford U.
Giovanni Gandini of U. Bonn, Germany
Giles Gardam of U. Muenster, Germany
Francois Gautero of U. de Nice, France
Ross Geoghegan of SUNY - Binghamton
Victor Gerasimov of U. Fed. de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Robert Ghrist of U. Pennsylvania
Nick Gilbert of Heriott-Watt U., U.K.
Bob Gilman of Stevens Institute
Jane Gilman of Rutgers - Newark
Keith Goda of U. Newcastle, U.K.
Eddy Godelle of U. Caen, France
Boris Goldfarb of SUNY - Albany
Bill Goldman of U. Maryland
Krishnendu Gongopadhyay of IISER Mohali, India
Oliver Goodman of Melbourne U., Australia
Cameron Gordon of U. Texas - Austin
Rostislav Grigorchuk of Texas A & M U.
Mikhael Gromov of IHES, France.
Dan Groves of U. Illinois - Chicago
Zeph Grunschlag of Columbia U.
John Guaschi of U. de Picardie, France
Erik Guentner of U. Hawaii
Craig Guilbault of U. Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Vincent Guiradel of U. Rennes, France
Radika Gupta of Temple U.
Mauricio Gutierrez of Tufts U.

Andre Haefliger of U. Geneva, Switzerland
Mark Hagen of U. Bristol, U.K.
Frédéric Haglund of Paris-Sud, France
Ursula Hamenstadt of U. Bonn, Germany
Emily Hamilton of Emory U.
Michael Handel of CUNY - Lehman C.
John Harer of Duke U.
Jens Harlander of U. Frankfurt, Germany
Tobias Hartnick of KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Shelly Harvey of Rice U.
Joel Hass of U. California - Davis
Allen Hatcher of Cornell U.
Wolfgang Heil of Florida State U.
John Hempel of Rice U.
Susan Hermiller of U. Nebraska - Lincoln
Mohamad Hindawi of The Ohio State U.
Craig Hodgson of Melbourne U., Australia
Cynthia Hog-Angeloni of U. Frankfurt, Germany
Derek Holt of U. Warwick, U.K.
John Holt of U. Illinois - Chicago
Matt Horak of Trinity College
Max Horn of U.Siegen, Germany
Jim Hoste of Pitzer C.
Jim Howie of Heriott-Watt U., U.K.
Bob Howlett of U. Sydney, Australia
Chris Hruska of U. Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Tim Hsu of San Jose State U.
Jingyin Huang of The Ohio State U.
Alexander Hulpke of Colorado State U. - Fort Collins
David Hume of U. Bristol, U.K.
Steve Hurder of U. Illinois - Chicago
James Hyde of SUNY - Binghamton

Paul Igodt of Katholieke U. Leuven
Alessandra Iozzi of ETH - Zurich
Elmas Irmak of Bowling Green State U.
Nikolai Ivanov of Michigan State U.
Sergei Ivanov of U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

Kasia Jankiewicz of U. California - Santa Cruz
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz of Polish Acad. Sciences
Craig Jensen of St. Michaels C.
Klaus Johannson of U. Frankfurt, Germany
Arye Juhasz of The Technion, Israel
Kate Juschenko of U. Texas - Austin

Delaram Kahrobaei of CUNY
Ilya Kapovich of CUNY - Hunter C.
Misha Kapovich of U. California - Davis
Aditi Kar of U. Southampton, U.K.
Anders Karlsson of U. Geneva, Switzerland
Fanny Kassel of IHES, France.
Louis Kauffman of U. Illinois - Chicago
Anton Kaul of Cal Poly

Ruth Kellerhals of U. Fribourg, Switzerland
Autumn Kent of U. Wisconsin
Bilal Khan of CUNY
Olga Kharlampovich of CUNY - Hunter C.
Dawid Kielak of Oxford U., U.K.
Sang-hyun Kim of KIAS, Seoul, South Korea
Robion Kirby of U. California - Berkeley
Bruce Kleiner of Yale U.
Anton Klyachko of Moscow State U., Russia
Thomas Koberda of U. Virginia
Ralf Koehl of U. Giessen, Germany
Sasha Kolpakov of U. Neuchatel, Switzerland
Linus Kramer of U. Muenster, Germany
Daan Krammer of U. Warwick, U.K.
Peter Kropholler of U. Southampton, U.K.
Sava Krstic of Oregon Grad. Inst.
Angela Kubena (Barnhill) of U. Michigan
Greg Kuperberg of U. California - Davis

Marc Lackenby of Oxford U., U.K.
Jean-Francois Lafont of The Ohio State U.
Michael Landry of St. Louis U.
Paul Latiolais of Portland State U.
Ruth Lawrence of Hebrew U., Israel
Ian Leary of U. Southampton, U.K.
Donghi Lee of Pusan National U., Korea
Chris Leininger of Rice U.
Enrico Leuzinger of KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Gilbert Levitt of U. Caen, France
Tao Li of Boston C.
Seonhee Lim of Seoul National U., South Korea
Vladimir Lin of The Technion, Israel
Claudio Llosa of U. Karlsruhe, Germany
Jean-Louis Loday of IRMA, Strasbourg, France
Darren Long of U. California - Santa Barbara
Lars Louder of U. College London, U.K.
Joel Louwsma of Niagara U.
Marissa Loving of Georgia Tech.
Alex Lubotzky of Hebrew U., Israel
Wolfgang Lueck of U. Muenster, Germany
Feng Luo of Rutgers U.
Martin Lustig of U. Aix Marseille III, France
Rylee Lyman of Rutgers - Newark

Joseph Maher of CUNY
Justin Malestein of U. Oklahoma
Brian Mangum of Columbia U.
Kathryn Mann of Cornell U.
Jason Manning of Cornell U.
Dan Margalit of Vanderbilt U.
Alex Margolis of Vanderbilt U.
Stuart Margolis of Bar-Ilan U., Israel
Timothée Marquis of U. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Eduardo Martinez-Pedroza of Memorial U., Canada
Conchita Martinez-Perez of U. Zaragoza, Spain
Armando Martino of U. Southampton, U.K.
Howard Masur of U. Chicago
Makoto Matsumoto of Keio U., Japan
Francesco Matucci of U.Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Jon McCammond of U. California - Santa Barbara
Curt McMullen of Harvard U.
Ben McReynolds of Purdue U.
John Meakin of U. Nebraska - Lincoln
John Meier of Lafayette C.
Bill Menasco of SUNY-Buffalo
Alexei Miasnikov of Stevens Institute
Jean Michel of U. Paris VII, France
Mike Mihalik of Vanderbilt U.
Chuck Miller of Melbourne U., Australia
John Milnor of SUNY - Stony Brook
Ashot Minasyan of U. Southampton, U.K.
Igor Mineyev of U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Yair Minsky of Yale U.
Mahan Mj of Tata Inst. Mumbai, India
Iain Moffatt of U. Warwick, U.K.
Nicolas Monod of Ecole Poly., Lausanne, Switzerland
John Morgan of Columbia U.
Yoav Moriah of The Technion, Israel
Dave Morris of U. Lethbridge, Canada
Lee Mosher of Rutgers - Newark
Gabor Moussong of Eotvos U.
Shahar Mozes of Hebrew U., Israel
Bernhard Muehlherr of U. Giessen, Germany

Tatiana Nagnibeda of U. Geneva, Switzerland
Volodia Nekrashevych of Texas A & M U.
Walter Neumann of Columbia U.
Mike Newman of Australian National U.
Thomas Ng of The Technion, Israel
Graham Niblo of U. Southampton, U.K.
Zbigniew Nitecki of Tufts U.
Paul Norbury of Melbourne U., Australia
Brita Nucinkis of U. London, U.K.

Mark O'Brien of U. Illinois - Chicago
Shane O'Rourke of Cork Inst.Tech., Ireland
Hee Oh of Brown U.
Dasbach Oliver of Lousiana State U.
A. Yu. Olshanskii of Vanderbilt U.
Damian Osajda of U. Vienna, Austria
Denis Osin of Vanderbilt U.

Pierre Pansu of Paris-Sud, France
Giovanni Paolini of Cal - Tech
Athanase Papadopoulos of IRMA, Strasbourg, France
Panos Papazoglu of U. Athens, Greece
Luis Paris of U. Bourgogne, France
Priyam Patel of U. Utah
Frédéric Paulin of Paris-Sud, France
Julien Paupert of Arizona State U.
Dave Peifer of U. N. Carolina - Asheville
Mark Pengitore of U. Virginia
Nansen Petrosyan of U. Southampton, U.K.
Alexandra Pettet of U. British Columbia, Canada
Catherine Pfaff of Queen's U. of Kingston, Canada
Matthieu Picantin of U. Caen, France
Adam Piggott of Australian National U.
Christophe Pittet of U. Toulouse, France
Leonid Potyagailo of U. de Lille, France
Jean-Philippe Préaux of U. Provence, France
Steve Pride of Glasgow U., Scotland
Claudio Procesi of U. di Roma, Italy
Andrew Przeworski of Oklahoma State U.
Piotr Przytycki of McGill U., Canada
Andy Putman of U. Notre Dame

Dongwen Qi of Georgia South-Western State U.

Bertrand Rémy of U. Claude Bernard - Lyon I, France
David Radcliffe of U. Wisconsin - Milwaukee
John Ratcliffe of Vanderbilt U.
Sarah Rees of U. Newcastle, U.K.
Lawerence Reeves of Melbourne U., Australia
Alan Reid of Rice U.
Vic Reiner of U. Minnesota
Bertrand Remy of Ecole Polytechnique, France
Tim Riley of Cornell U.
Ilya Rips of Hebrew U., Israel
Igor Rivin of Temple U.
Justin Roberts of U. California - San Diego
Edmund Robertson of U. St. Andrews, Scotland
Mark Ronan of U. Illinois - Chicago
Gerhard Rosenberger of U. Dortmund, Germany
Colin Rourke of U. Warwick, U.K.
Kim Ruane of Tufts U.
Hyam Rubinstein of Melbourne U., Australia
Lorenzo Ruffoni of SUNY - Binghamton
Ian Runnels of Vanderbilt U.
Nik Ruskuc of U. St. Andrews, Scotland
Jacob Russell of Rice U.

Lucas Sabalka of St. Louis U.
Michah Sageev of The Technion, Israel
Nick Salter of U. Notre Dame
Jenya Sapir of SUNY - Binghamton
Roman Sauer of KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Dmytro Savchuk of U. South Florida
Martin Scharlemann of U. California - Santa Barbara
Thomas Schick of U. Goettingen, Germany
Saul Schleimer of U. Warwick, U.K.
Jennifer Schultens of U. California - Davis
Paul Schupp of U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Richard Schwartz of Brown U.
Peter Scott of U. Michigan
Richard Scott of Santa Clara U.
Eric Sedgwick of DePaul U.
Zlil Sela of Hebrew U., Israel
Caroline Series of U. Warwick, U.K.
Simona Settepanella of U. Pisa, Italy
Peter Shalen of U. Illinois - Chicago
Sam Shepherd of Vanderbilt U.
Hamish Short of U. Aix Marseille I, France
Vladimir Shpilrain of CUNY
Adam Sikora of SUNY-Buffalo
Rachel Skipper of U. Utah
Mireille Soergel of Max Planck Institute-Leipzig, Germany
Ignat Soroko of Florida State U.
Estelle Souche of Paris-Sud, France
Barry Spieler of Birmingham Southern
David Spriano of Oxford U., U.K.
Yves Stalder of U. Blaise Pascal, France
Emily Stark of Wesleyan U.
Melanie Stein of Trinity College
Ben Steinberg of Carlton U., Canada
Ken Stephenson of U. Tennessee - Knoxville
Peter Storm of U. Pennsylvania
Daniel Studenmund of SUNY - Binghamton
Francis Su of Harvey Mudd C.
Zoran Sunik of Hofsta U., New York
Juan Suoto of U. Rennes, France
G.A. Swarup of Melbourne U., Australia
Eric Swenson of Brigham Young U.
Jacek Swiatkowski of Wroclaw U., Poland

Jennifer Taback of Bowdoin C.
Malik Talbi of U. Muenster, Germany
Robert Tang of Jiaotong U., China
Jing Tao of U. Oklahoma
Ed Taylor of Wesleyan U.
Sam Taylor of Temple U.
Scott Taylor of Colby C.
Steven Tchantz of Vanderbilt U.
Mina Teicher of Bar-Ilan U., Israel
Peter Teichner of U. California - Berkeley
Anne Thomas of U. Sydney, Australia
Abby Thompson of U. California - Davis
Stephan Tillmann of U. Queensland, Australia
Guilio Tiozzo of U. Toronto, Canada
Nicholas Touikan of Stevens Institute
Bena Tshishiku of Brown U.
Michael Tweedale of U. Bristol, U.K.

Caglar Uyanik of U. Wisconsin

Alain Valette of U. Neuchatel, Switzerland
Leonard VanWyk of James Madison U.
Olga Varghese of U. Magdeburg, Germany
Alina Vdovina of U. Newcastle, U.K.
Enric Ventura of U. Politècnica de Catalunya
Karen Vogtmann of U. Warwick, U.K.

Genevieve Walsh of Tufts U.
Richard Weidmann of U. Frankfurt, Germany
Shmuel Weinberger of U. Chicago
Richard Weiss of Tufts U.
Kim Whittlesey of U. Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Kevin Whyte of U. Illinois - Chicago
Anna Wienhard of Max Planck Institute-Leipzig, Germany
Bert Wiest of U. Rennes, France
Gerald Williams of U. Kent, U.K.
George Willis of U. Newcastle, Australia
Henry Wilton of U. College London, U.K.
Dani Wise of McGill U., Canada
Stefan Witzel of U. Giessen, Germany
Mike Wolf of Rice U.
Peter Wong of Bates C.
Kevin Wortman of U. Utah
David Wright of Oklahoma State U.
Nick Wright of U. Southampton, U.K.

Xiangdong Xie of Bowling Green State U.

Asli Yaman of U. Provence, France

Matt Zaremsky of SUNY - Albany
Ghani Zeghib of ENS-Lyon, France
Qing Zhou of E. China Normal U.
Robert Zimmer of U. Chicago
Andrzej Zuk of U. Paris VI, France


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