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Problem Lists

Bestvina's Geometric Group Theory Problem List
Kirby's problem list in Low-Dimensional Topology
Magnus:Open Problems in Combinatorial Group Theory

Miscellaneous Links

Office Hours with a Geometric Group Theorist
Mark Brittenham's Low Dimensional Topology Page
Rob Scharein's Knot Plot Site
Computational Geometry Resources
Jeff Erickson's Computational Geometry Pages
David Epstein's Geometry in Action Page
Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
What's your Erdos number?
Tom Longtin's 3d images
Peter Suber's Knots on the Web
Andy Baker's British Topology Home Page
Inverse Symbolic Calculator


GAP (Groups, Algorithms, Programming) at St. Andrews
Pari-GP (Number theory package)
Geometry Center (Downloadable Software page)
eLib (Electronic Library of Mathematical Software) at ZIB
Magnus Software Package
CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library) at Utrecht
LEDA (Library of Efficient Datatypes and Algorithms) at Max Planck
AGD (Automatic Graph Drawing) at Max Planck
ALCOM-IT (Algorithms and Complexity in Information Technology)
Algorithms Project at INRIA
ESPRIT Homepage
Zeilberger's Software links
LINK Homepage
P.Brinkman's Train Track software
Singular (polynomial computations)

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