Up: Mathematical interests
Aut | Cox | EC | Ex | FSG | GA | GC | GL | LG | NCG | NT | RM

Coxeter Groups

Links to information about Coxeter groups, Artin groups and related topics.


ArXiv: GR:papers | GR:authors


Coxeter: H.M.S. Coxeter | James Humphreys | Richard Kane | Bob Howlett | Brigitte Brink | Bill Casselman | Anders Bjorner | Tony Springer | George Lehrer | Deodhar | Mike Davis | Carter | Curtis | | | |
Artin and Garside: David Bessis | Noel Brady | Tom Brady | Ruth Corran | John Crisp | Patrick Dehornoy | Eddy Godelle | (Jon McCammond) | Luis Paris
Complex Reflection Groups: Gunter Malle
Buildings: | Ken Brown | Bernhard Muehlherr | Jacques Tits | Richard Weiss | Mark Ronan
Hecke algebras: Davis RFG on Hecke algebras and orthogonal polynomials.

Last Modified on 16/Sep/24 by