My arXiv author page | My Google Scholar page
- Positivity and fusion of unitary modules for unitary vertex operator algebras, submitted to RIMS Kôkyûroku (expository)
- Singular values of weighted composition operators and second quantization, Int. Math. Res. Not. (with M. Putinar)
- On classification of extremal non-holomorphic conformal field theories, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017) 115204 (with Z. Wang)
- Geometric realization of algebraic conformal field theories, submitted
- Construction of the unitary free fermion Segal CFT, Commun. Math. Phys. 355 (2017), no. 2, 463-518
- Planar algebras in braided tensor categories, submitted (with A. Henriques and D. Penneys)
- Categorified trace for module tensor categories over braided tensor categories, Documenta Math. 21 (2016) 1089-1149 (with A. Henriques and D. Penneys)
- Subfactors of index less than 5, part 4: vines, Int. J. Math. 23 (2012), no. 3, 1250017 (with D. Penneys).
- Unitary equivalence to a complex symmetric matrix: low dimensions, Lin. Alg. Appl. 437 (2012), no. 1, 271-284 (with S.R. Garcia and D.E. Poore)
- Unitary equivalence of a matrix to its transpose, J. Operator Theory 68:1 (2012), 179-203 (with S.R. Garcia).
- Projections and idempotents with fixed diagonal and the homotopy problem for unit tight frames, Oper. Matrices 5 (2011) 139-155 (with J. Giol, L.V. Kovalev, D. Larson and N. Nguyen).
- Unitary equivalence to a complex symmetric matrix: an algorithm J. Math. Anal. Appl. 341 (2008) 640-648.
Other writing
- Construction of the unitary free fermion Segal conformal field theory, Dissertation, UC Berkeley, Spring 2014 (advised by Vaughan Jones)
- Unitary equivalence to a complex symmetric matrix, Undergraduate thesis, Pomona College, Spring 2008 (advised by Stephan Garcia)
Theses advised
- The Classification of Extremal Vertex Operator Algebras of Rank 2, by J. Connor Grady, UCSB undergraduate honors thesis (2018)
Upcoming conferences:
- Casa Matemática Oaxaca program Geometric and Categorical Aspects of CFTs, Oaxaca, Mexico, September 2018
- BIRS program Fusion Categories and Subfactors, Banff, Canada, October 2018
- NZMRI Summer School on Random Matrix Theory, Waikanae, New Zealand, January 2019
- Subfactors in Sydney, February 2019
- NCGOA/Shanks conference on Topological Quantum Computation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, May 2019
Selected conference and colloquium talks and talk notes:
- Local observables as boundary values of vertex operator algebras, Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Physics, CRM Montreal, July 2018
- Analytic problems arising at the boundary of the semigroup of annuli, (Sub)Factors in Maui, Kihei, HI, May 2018
- Construction of unitary Segal CFTs, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Perimeter Institute, April 2018
- Classification problems for VOAs with small rank, AMS Southeastern Sectional meeting, Special Session on Advances in Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University, April 2018
- Conformal field theories for modular tensor categories with small rank, AMS Spring Central Sectional meeting, Special Session on Quantum Symmetries, March 2018
- Geometric conformal field theory: what, why, and how, University of Arizona Mathematics Colloquium, February 2018
- The geometry of conformal nets, JMM Special session on Advances in Operator Algebras, San Diego, CA, January 2018
- Local observables as boundary values of vertex operator algebras, Workshop on Research on algebraic combinatorics and representation theory of finite groups and vertex operator algebras, Kyoto RIMS, December 2017
- Fusion of representations of affine Lie algebras and functorial conformal field theory, UC Davis Seminar on Algebra & Discrete Mathematics, November 2017
- Construction of Segal CFTs, AMS Western Sectional meeting, Special Session on Tensor Categories: Bridging Algebra, Topology, and Physics, UC Riverside, November 2017
- A geometric approach to constructing conformal nets, AMS Western Sectional meeting, Special Session on Advances in Operator Algebras, UC Riverside, November 2017
- Geometry of conformal nets, Shanks workshop on subfactors and applications, Vanderbilt University, October 2017
- The geometry of conformal nets & Construction of unitary Segal CFTs (2 talks), Ohio State University Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology seminar, and Non-commutative geometry and operator algebras seminar, September 2017
- Four flavors of fusion, Quantum Symmetries: Subfactors and Planar Algebras, Maui, HI, July 2017
- Planar algebras: calculating with pictures, Claremont Colleges Mathematics Colloquium, April 2017
- Jones-Wassermann subfactors from vertex operator algebras, Workshop on Subfactors, higher geometry, higher twists and almost Calabi-Yau algebras, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, March 2017
- Singular values of weighted composition operators and second quantization, Southeasern Analysis Meeting (SEAM) 2017, UT Knoxville, March 2017
- Segal CFT and conformal nets (2 lectures), Berkeley-Tokyo Autumn School on Quantum Field Theory and Subfactors, UC Berkeley, November 2016
- Geometric construction of conformal nets, ECOAS 2016, Loyola University, October 2016
- On classification of vertex operator algebras by their representation categories, Modular Categories--Their Representations, Classification, and Applications, Casa Matemática Oaxaca, August 2016
- Finite index subfactors from vertex operator algebras, Von Neumann Algebras workshop, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, July 2016
- Complete rationality of some conformal nets from vertex operator algebras, Trimester seminar for Mathematics and Physics at the Crossroads program, INFN Frascati, June 2016
- Segal CFT at the boundary, The Mathematics of Conformal Field Theory, Australian National University, July 2015
- From Segal CFT to conformal nets, Oberwolfach workshop Subfactors and conformal field theory, March 2015
- Segal CFT at the boundary, NCGOA 2014, Vanderbilt University, May 2014
- Operator algebras and geometric conformal field theory, East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium, University of Cincinnati, October 2013
- Segal CFT and vertex operator algebras via bounded operators, Quarterly Seminar on Geometry and Topology, Utrecht University, June 2013
- Manifestly unitary conformal field theory, Miniworkshop on Operator Algebras II, University of Tokyo, January 16, 2013
- Introduction to fermionic second quantization, NCGOA 2012, Vanderbilt University, May 5, 2012
- Two-interval subfactors and the Longo-Rehren construction, UC Berkeley Subfactor Seminar, March 2011 (expository following Kawahigashi-Longo-Mueger)
- Classification of LG-reps and weight polytopes for the characters of LG-rep (expository), Workshop on Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, U Oregon, August 17, 2010
- A direct proof of an irreducibilty result of Wassermann, UC Berkeley Subfactor Seminar, April 16, 2010
- Finite-dimensional von Neumann algebras and the basic construction (expository), UC Berkeley Student Subfactor Seminar, October 2009
- Unitary equivalence to a complex symmetric matrix, Pomona College Analysis Seminar, December 10, 2007