About Me

A condensed overview of my time in mathematics.

My undergraduate studies were at the University of Scranton. I majored in math and minored in computer science.

I tutored almost uncountably many undergraduates in math during my years in Scranton, in both group settings and privately on demand. I was interested in competitive mathematics and joined the Putnam team. It was incredible fun, and I even scored some points. On the applied side, I was an active IEEE member and participated in regional IEEE robotics contests. I also led the ACM ICPC team.

In Summer 2019, I participated in the 2019 Lafayette College REU, where I met some of my favorite math nerds in the whole world. I've encouraged all of my research-focused students to join an REU ever since; it's a worthwhile experience.

Group picture from the Lafayette 2019 REU. Pictured (back to front): Me, Adam Hodapp, Alvaro Carbonero, Maxwell Auerbach, Kathryn Beck, Rebecca Whitman, Brittany Gelb, Beth Anne Castellano, Lisa Cenek, Karie Schmitz. Held: IƱaki Minondo.

In my final year at the University of Scranton, I led the Pi Mu Epsilon mathematics honor society. I was awarded the University Excellence in Math award upon graduation for outstanding academic achievement, as well as the Frank O'Hara Award for highest GPA in the college.


In Fall 2020 I joined the UCSB Mathematics Department as a PhD student in mathematics. In Winter 2022, I joined Dr. Sui Tang's research group, where I remain today.

At UCSB, I remain actively involved with math department activities. I am a three time Directed Reading Program (DRP) mentor and a DRP Organizing Committee Member. I created and maintain the current DRP Website; check it out!

Beyond this, I was involved in the creation of a Math Circle for incoming UCSB CCS undergraduates, led by Dr. Maria Isabel Bueno Cachadina to ease the transition into higher education that was exaggerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I've served as the graduate overseer for the Math Club at UCSB at the behest of the math department. I've also talked at length about my research and graduate school experience on several panels for various events in the department.

Outside of math, I enjoy rock climbing, hiking in the Santa Barbara mountains, pursuing creative programming projects, and playing board games with friends.


UC Santa Barbara
Department of Mathematics
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Reach Out!

I'm always happy to discuss math and make connections. Send me an email!