
I'm Charles Kulick, a fifth year PhD student at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

My research focus is scientific machine learning, specifically the learning and inference of interacting particle systems through leveraging modern techniques from both statistical learning and computational machine learning literature. 

The animated backgrounds on all pages are my fish swarming simulations replicating the work of Chen and Kolokolnikov. 

My advisor is Dr. Sui Tang.
Summer 2024 Course Information
Math 104B: Intro to Numerical Analysis

I am the TA for Dr. Su's course.

My office hours are Monday, 10:30-11:30am, and Thursday, 11-1pm, held in SH 6431L.
If you're enrolled in this course, I look forward to meeting you and discussing this interesting math!

Sign In to Canvas for More Information
2024 Directed Reading Program
A Whirlwind Tour of Cryptography

For the 2024 UCSB Directed Reading Program, I led my second reading group focusing specifically on cryptography, from the introductory level to advanced topics.

I believe cryptography is one of the best ways to first learn high level mathematical reasoning skills. For this reason, I've been compiling notes from my DRP discussions this year; I hope to make these publically available so others can feel free to use these notes as a quick reference for all things cryptography or for planning a fantastic DRP targeted at motivated first or second year math majors.

A first draft will be released soon; check back in just a bit!


UC Santa Barbara
Department of Mathematics
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Reach Out!

I'm always happy to discuss math and make connections. Send me an email!