I am the TA for Dr. Su's course.
My office hours are Monday, 10:30-11:30am, and Thursday, 11-1pm, held in SH 6431L.
If you're enrolled in this course, I look forward to meeting you and discussing this interesting math!
For the 2024 UCSB Directed Reading Program, I led my second reading group focusing specifically on cryptography, from the introductory level to advanced topics.
I believe cryptography is one of the best ways to first learn high level mathematical reasoning skills. For this reason, I've been compiling notes from my DRP discussions this year; I hope to make these publically available so others can feel free to use these notes as a quick reference for all things cryptography or for planning a fantastic DRP targeted at motivated first or second year math majors.
A first draft will be released soon; check back in just a bit!
UC Santa Barbara
Department of Mathematics
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
I'm always happy to discuss math and make connections. Send me an email!