Talks and Appearances

A list of my past talks from graduate and undergraduate research.
Most Recent Appearance:
Decoupling The Fully-Connected Layers: A Network Reduction Technique

2024 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science.
MS18: Advances in Low-dimensional Representations in Data and Imaging Science

2023 Talks, Sorted Chronologically:

  • Scalable Data-Driven Interacting Particle System Modeling with Sparse GP
  • AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, and Applications, 2023

  • Scalable Agent-Based Modeling with Gaussian Processes
  • SOCAMs (Southern California Applied Mathematics), 2023

  • Data-Driven Discovery of Interacting Particle Systems with Gaussian Processes
  • Advancement to Candidacy Department Talk, 2023

  • Acceleration of Agent Based Modeling with Sparse GP
  • NY State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference, 2023

  • Computational Methods for Navier-Stokes Simulations
  • UCSB SIAM Seminar, 2024

  • Data-Driven Discovery of Interacting Particle Systems with Gaussian Processes
  • UCSB SIAM Seminar, 2023

  • A Deep Dive into Duality and Optimization
  • UCSB Convex Analysis Seminar, 2023

Older Talks:

  • Poster: Scalable Model Selection of Particle Swarming Models with Gaussian Processes
  • IMSI Expressing and Exploiting Structure in Modeling, Theory, and Computation with Gaussian Processes, 2022

  • Exploring Preference Orderings Through Discrete Geometry
  • Joint Mathematics Meetings, Undergraduate Research Section, 2020

  • Exploring Preference Orderings Through Discrete Geometry
  • Moravian University Student Mathematics Conference, 2020

  • Recursive Sequences in Hailstone Problems
  • MAA EPaDel Section Meeting, 2020

  • Exploring Preference Orderings Through Discrete Geometry
  • MAA EPaDel Spring Section Meeting, 2019

  • Exploring Preference Orderings Through Discrete Geometry
  • Lackawanna and Luzerne Mathematics Symposium, 2019

Panel Talks:

  • Undergraduate Math Research Info Session
  • Representing the research group of Dr. Sui Tang.
    UCSB, Organized by Dr. Katy Craig, 2024

  • Incoming Graduates Informational Panel
  • Advice for accelerating research at UCSB.
    UCSB, Organized by the Math Department, 2024

  • Graduate School Career Paths Panel
  • Opportunity cost and making the most of a program.
    UCSB, Organized by the DRP Committee, 2023

UC Santa Barbara
Department of Mathematics
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Reach Out!

I'm always happy to discuss math and make connections. Send me an email!