
A list of my published papers, continuously updated.
Sorted Chronologically

  • Data-Driven Model Selections of Second-Order Particle Dynamics via Integrating Gaussian Processes with Low-Dimensional Interacting Structures
  • Jinchao Feng, Charles Kulick, and Sui Tang.
    Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 461 (2024). ISSN: 0167-2789.

    Journal Link arXiv Link

  • Learning Particle Swarming Models from Data with Gaussian Processes
  • Jinchao Feng, Charles Kulick, Yunxiang Ren, and Sui Tang.
    Mathematics of Computation (2023).

    Journal Link arXiv Link

  • Permutation of Point Sets in \( \mathbb{R}^d \)
  • Alvaro Carbonero, Beth Anne Castellano, Gary Gordon, Charles Kulick, Brittany Ohlinger, Karie Schmitz.
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 86 (2023). ISSN: 2202-3518.

    Journal Link arXiv Link

UC Santa Barbara
Department of Mathematics
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

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I'm always happy to discuss math and make connections. Send me an email!