My undergraduate co-authors are highlighted with one asterisk. My co-authors who were graduate students when the paper was written are highlighted with two asterisks.


        40. Tridiagonal M-matrices with tridiagonal Moore-Penrose inverse. Joint work with S. Furtado, K. K. Priya, and K.C. Sivakumar. Submitted.

        39.  On the rank structure of the Moore-Penrose inverse of singular k-banded matrices. Joint work with S. Furtado.  Linear Algebra and Appl., 702 (2024), 122-142.

        38. Singular matrices whose Moore-Penrose inverse is tridiagonal. Joint work with S. Furtado.  Applied Math. and Comp., 459 (2023), Paper 128154, 14 pp.

        37. Linear maps preserving the Lorentz spectrum of 3x3 matrices. Joint work with B. Faktor, R. Kommerell,  R. Li, and Joey Veltri. Involve, 17 (2024). n.1 121-152.

      36.  Singular linear preservers of cone type majorization. Joint work with S. Furtado and K. C. Sivakumar.  Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 71 (2023), no 16, 2631-2644.

        35. Linear maps preserving the Lorentz spectrum: the 2x2 case. Joint work with S. Furtado, A. Klausmeier*, and J. Veltri*.  ELA 38(2022), 317-330. pdf

        34.  On why using DLP to solve the symmetric polynomial eigenvalue problem might need to be reconsidered. Joint work with J. Perez. Calcolo,  59 (2022) article 48. pdf

        33. Lorentz eigenvalues of special matrices and related linear preserver problems. Joint work with S. Furtado and K.C. Sivakumar.  Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 15(2021), article 58. pdf

        32. Linearizations for interpolatory bases - a comparison: New families of linearizations. Joint with with A. Ashkar*, R. Kassem*, D. Mileeva* and J. Perez.  Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 36(2020), 799-833. pdf

31. Conditioning and backward errors of eigenvalues of homogeneous matrix polynomials under Mobius transformations. Joint work with F. M. Dopico and L. M. Anguas**.  Math of Comp. 89 (2020), pp. 767-805.  pdf

        30. A comparison of eigenvalue condition numbers for matrix polynomials. Joint work with F. M. Dopico and L. M. Anguas**. Linear Algebra and Appl. 564 (2018), pp.170-200. pdf

        29.  Explicit block-structures for block-symmetric Fiedler-like pencils. Joint work with M. Martin*, J. Perez, A. Song*, and I. Viviano*.  Electr. Journal of Linear Alg., 34 (2018),  article 36.  pdf (short version),  pdf  (long version)

        28.  A block-symmetric linearization of odd-degree matrix polynomials with optimal eigenvalue condition number and backward error.  Joint work with F. M. Dopico, S. Furtado, and L. Medina*. Calcolo (2018) 55:32.  pdf

        27.  A simplified approach  to Fiedler-like pencils via strong block minimal bases pencils.  Joint work with F. M. Dopico, J. Perez, R. Saavedra*, and B. Zykoski*. Linear Algebra and its Applications,  547 (2018), 45-104. pdf

        26.  On the sign characteristic of Hermitian linearizations in DL(P). Joint work with J. Breen*, S. Ford*, and S. Furtado. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 519 (2017), 73-101. pdf

        25.  Linearizations of Hermitian matrix polynomials preserving the sign characteristic. Joint work with F. M. Dopico and S. Furtado.  SIAM J. Matrix Analysis & Appl., 38 (2017), 249-272. pdf

        24.  Large vector spaces of block-symmetric strong linearizations for matrix polynomials.  Joint work with F. M. Dopico, S. Furtado, and M. Rychnovsky*.  Linear Algebra and its Applications, 477 (2015), 165-210. pdf

        23.  The kernel of the matrix i*j mod(n) when n is prime.  Joint work with S. Furtado, J. Karkoska*, K. Mayfield*, R. Samalis*, and A. Telatovich*.  Involve, 9-2 (2016), 265-280. pdf

        22.  Structured linearizations from Fiedler pencils with repetition II. Joint work with Susana Furtado.  Linear Algebra and its Applications, 463 (2014) 282-321.  pdf

        21.  Structured linearizations from Fiedler pencils with repetition I. Joint work with K. Curlett*  and S. Furtado.  Linear Algebra and its Applications, 460 (2014), 51-80. pdf

        20.  Eigenvectors and minimal bases for some families of Fiedler-like linearizations. Joint work with F. de Teran. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 62,  1 (2014), 39-62. pdf

        19.  Palindromic linearizations of matrix polynomials of odd degree obtained from Fiedler pencils with repetition. Joint work with S. Furtado.  Electr. Journal of Linear Algebra, 23 (2012), 562-577. pdf

        18.  Recovery of eigenvectors and minimal bases of matrix polynomials from generalized Fiedler linearizations. Joint work with F. de Teran and F. M. Dopico. SIAM. J. Matrix Analysis & Appl. 32(2011), 463-483. pdf

        17.  Distribution of exponents of primitive circulant matrices in the first four boxes. Joint work with K. Y. Fang*, S. Fuller*, and S. Furtado.  Involve 5(2012), 187-205. pdf

        16.  On the gaps in the set of exponents of Boolean primitive circulant matrices. Elect. Journ. of Linear Algebra 20(2010), 640-660. Joint work with Susana Furtado. pdf

        15.  Maximum exponent of boolean circulant matrices with constant number of nonzero entries in its generating vector. Joint work with S. Furtado and N. Sherer*. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 16(2009) no. 1, Research Paper, 66. pdf

        14.  A new algorithm for computing the Geronimus transformation with large shifts.  Joint work with A. Deano and E. Tavernetti*. Numerical Algorithms, 54(2010), 101-139. pdf

        13.  On the exponent of r-regular primitive matrices. Joint work with S. Furtado. Electr. Journal of Linear Algebra 17(2008), 28-47. pdf

        12.  Minimum deviation, quasi-LU factorization of nonsingular matrices. Joint work with C. R. Johnson. Linear Algebra and  its Appl., 427(2007), 99-118.  pdf

        11.  A more accurate algorithm for computing Christoffel transformation. Joint work with F. M. Dopico. Journal of Comp. and Appl. Math., 205(2007), 567-582.  pdf

        10.  Numerical properties of shifted tridiagonal LU factorizations. Joint work with C. Brittin*.  Med. Journal of Math., 4(2007), 275-288. pdf

        9.  Congruence of Hermitian matrices by Hermitian matrices. Joint work with S. Furtado and C.R. Johnson. Linear Algebra  and Applications, 425(2007), 63-76. pdf

        8.  Continuous symmetric Sobolev inner products of order N (II).  ETNA, 24(2006), 55-65. Joint work with F. Marcellan and J. Sanchez-Ruiz. pdf

        7. Polynomial perturbations of bilinear functionals and Hessenberg matrices. Linear Algebra and Applications, 414(2006), 64-83. Joint work with F. Marcellan. pdf

        6.  Continuous symmetric Sobolev inner products of order N (I). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 306(2005) 83-96. Joint work with F. Marcellan  and  J. Sanchez-Ruiz. pdf

        5.  Stability and sensitivity of tridiagonal LU factorization without pivoting. BIT, 44(2004), 651-673. Joint work with F. M. Dopico. pdf

        4.  Stability and sensitivity of Darboux transformation without pivoting. ETNA, 18(2004) 101-136. Joint work with F. M. Dopico. pdf

        3.  Discrete-continuous symmetrized Sobolev inner product. Acta Apl. Mat., 82(2004) 309-331. Joint work wih K. H. Kwon and F. Marcellan. pdf

        2. Darboux transformations and perturbation of linear functionals. Linear Algebra and Applications, 384(2004), 215-242. Joint work with F. Marcellan. pdf

        1. Continuous symmetric Sobolev inner products. Intern. Math. Journal, 3(2003), 319-342. Joint work with F. Marcellan.  pdf