Math 4A - Linear Algebra with Applications, Winter 2014 (Teaching Assistant)
Office hours: Tuesday 3-4 PM, 6432U South Hall (or by appointment)
My math lab hours: Tuesday 4-5 PM, Friday 2-3 PM, 1607 South Hall

All WebWorks

Final practice problems and solutions

Course outline and suggested reading
Concept check (updated continually)

A note on non-diagonalizable matrices
Diagonalization and change of basis: a worked example

Paul's Online Math Notes - Linear Algebra (pdf)

Visualizing a Linear Transformation (courtesy of UCSB graduate Dr. Pat Plunkett)

Applications of Linear Algebra

Tons of applications

College football rankings

Google searches

More on Google searches

WebWork assignments, syllabus, lecture notes and more can be found on Gauchospace.