Cake in the Shape of Pie


A transition between universal covers of different types of properly convex cusps

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My research interests are in the use of algebraic and geometric ideas to study problems in topology and related fields. Recently, I have been studying convex projective structures on manifolds and their deformation spaces


  1. Convex Projective Structures on Non-hyperbolic Three-manifolds
    (joint with Jeff Danciger and Gye-Seon Lee, submitted)

  2. Constructing Thin Subgroups Commensurable with the Figure-eight Knot Group
    (joint with Darren Long, Alg. & Geom. Top. 15-5 (2015), 3009--3022)

  3. Finite Volume Properly Convex Deformations of the Figure-eight Knot
    (Geom. Dedicata 178 (2015) 49--73 )

  4. Deformations of Non-Compact, Projective Manifolds
    (Alg. & Geom. Top. 14-5 (2014), 2595--2625.)

  5. The following projects are in progress. Preprints may be available upon request.

  6. Bending Properly Convex Manifolds (joint with Ludovic Marquis, In Preparation)

  7. Classification of Generalized Cusps (joint with Daryl Cooper and Arielle Leitner, In Preparation)


Flexiblity and Rigidity of Three-Dimensional Convex Projective Structures
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, May 2013


A Mathematica notebook showing that a family of representations of the figure-eight knot have integral traces

A Mathematica notebook with showing that a family of representations of the figure-eight knot have Zariski dense image

A Mathematica notebook analyzing a family of deformations of the figure-eight knot group

A Mathematica notebook containing rigidity computations for several 2-bridge knots and links

Invited Talks

Geometric Structures on Manifolds (Slides)
(Florida State University, Mathematics Colloquium, 1/15/2016)

Convex Projective Structures on Non-hyperbolic 3-manifolds (Slides)
(Workshop on Interactions in Higher Teichmuller Theory, Heidelberg, Germany)

A Minicourse on Deformations of Convex Projective Structures
(Workshop on Geometric Structures and Representation Varieties, KIAS, Seoul, Korea 11/10-11/14/2014)

The Structure of Properly Convex Manifolds (Slides)
(Geometry, Topology and Physics at Pitt, University of Pittsburgh, 5/14/2014)

The Structure of Properly Convex Manifolds (Slides)
(RTG Workshop on Geometric Structures and Discrete Groups, UT Austin, 5/3/2014)

A Geometric Description of (P)SL(4,R) Hitchin Representations (Notes)
(Workshop on Higher Teichmuller-Thurston Theory, Northport, Maine, 6/29/2013)

Convex Projective Structures on Non-compact 3-manifolds
(California Institute of Technology, Geometry and Topology Seminar, 5/31/2013)

Convex Projective Deformations of the Figure-8 Knot Complement (Slides)
(AMS Special Session on Algebraic and Geometric Structures of 3-manifolds, Boston College, 4/6/2013)

Convex Projective Deformations of Non-Compact Manifolds
(Arizona State University, Differential Geometry Seminar, 1/25/2013)

Convex Projective Deformations of Non-Compact Manifolds
(Purdue University, Special Geometric Analysis Seminar, 1/22/2013)

Convex Projective Structures on 3-manifolds
(University of California at Santa Barbara, Topology Seminar, 10/23/2012)

Twisted Cohomology and Deformation Theory (Slides, Video)
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, GEAR Junior Retreat, 7/24/2012)

Other Talks

Flexibility and Rigidity of 3-Dimensional Convex Projective Structures (Slides)
(Thesis Defense, 5/24/2013)

The Ending Lamination Conjecture
(UT Graduate Geometry and Topology Current Literature Seminar, 3/22/2013)

Deformations and Twisted Cohomology (Slides)
(UT Junior Topology Seminar, 9/19/2012)

Projective Geometry and Deformations
(UT Junior Topology Seminar, 2/15/2012)

Deformation Theory of Infinite Volume Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
(UT Junior Topology Seminar, 2/23/2011)

A (Hopefully Gentle) Introduction to Arithmetic Kleinian Groups (Slides)
(UT Junior Topology Seminar, 10/27/2010)

Some Examples of Large Generalized Triangle Groups
(UT Junior Topology Seminar, 3/10/2010)

Conditions for the Equivalence of Largeness and positive \( vb_1\) (Slides)
(UT Junior Topology Seminar, 11/18/2009)

Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry
(UT Sophex Seminar, 10/19/2007)

Conferences Attended

Geometric Structures and Representation Varieties, KIAS, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 10-14, 2014

Geometry, Topology and Physics at Pitt, University of Pittsburgh, May 14-15, 2014

Geometric Structures and Discrete Groups , University of Texas at Austin, May 2-4, 2014

GEAR Retreat, University of Maryland College Park, March 17-21, 2014

ICERM Workshop on Exotic Geometric Structures, ICERM, September 15-20, 2013

Workshop on Higher Teichmuller Theory, Northport, Maine, June 23-30, 2013

AMS Special Session on Algebraic and Geometric Structures of 3-manifolds, Boston College, April 6-7, 2013

GEAR Retreat, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 6-10, 2012

GEAR Junior Retreat, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, July 23-August 3, 2012

RTG Workshop, Recent Progress in Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds, University of Michigan, May 4-6, 2012

Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, 46th Meeting, University of Texas at Austin, October 7-9, 2011

MRC Geometry of Real Projective Structures, Snowbird, Utah, June 12-18, 2011

Ninth Annual Graduate Student Geometry and Topology Conference, Michigan State University, April 2-3, 2011

Topology and Geometry in Dimension Three , Oklahoma State University, June 4-6, 2010

Eighth Annual Graduate Student Geometry and Topology Conference, University of Michigan, April 10-11, 2010

First National Forum of Young Topologists, Tulane University, November 13-15, 2009

Georgia International Topology Conference, University of Georgia, May 18-29, 2009

Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, 40th Meeting, University of Texas at Austin, October 10-12, 2008

Other Documents

Here is a copy of my CV