My publications as of 2020
- 01
"Supplements of bounded permutation groups",
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1998.
- 02
"The Burau representation is not faithful for n=5",
Geometry and Topology, 1999.
- 03
"Braid groups are linear",
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 2000.
- 03.14
I contributed to a problem list.
- 04
"The mapping class group of a genus two surface is linear",
with Ryan Budney,
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 2001.
- 05
"Does the Jones polynomial detect the unknot?",
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2002.
- 06
"A homological definition of the Jones polynomial",
Geometry and Topology Monographs, 2002.
- 07
"Representations of braid groups",
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematics, 2002.
- 08
"The Lawrence-Krammer representation",
Topology and Geometry of Manifolds, 2003.
- 09
"Homological representations of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra",
Geometry and Topology Monographs, 2004.
- 10
"Braid groups and Iwahori-Hecke algebras",
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 2006.
- 11
"A homological definition of the HOMFLY polynomial",
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 2007.
- 12
"Generalized Long-Moody representations of braid groups",
with Jianjun Paul Tian,
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2008.
- 13
"Skein theory for the ADE planar algebras",
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2010.
- 14
"A diagrammatic Alexander invariant of tangles",
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2012.
- 15
"The Alexander and Jones polynomials through representations of rook algebras",
with Eric Ramos and Ren Yi, JKTR, 2012.
- 16
"Constructing the extended Haagerup planar algebra",
with Scott Morrison, Emily Peters and Noah Snyder,
Acta Mathematica, 2012.
- 17
"Principal graph stability and the jellyfish algorithm",
with David Penneys,
Mathematische Annalen, 2014.
- 18
"A diagrammatic definition of Uqsl2",
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2014.
- 19
"Alexander representation of tangles",
with Alessia Cattabriga and Vincent Florens,
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, May 2015,
- 20
"The pop-switch planar algebra and the Jones-Wenzl idempotents",
with Ellie Grano,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, June 2015.
(A "featured article" for 2015!)
- 21
"Bowling ball representations of braid groups",
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, March 2018.
- 22
"An exact entangling gate Using Fibonacci anyons"
with Claire Levaillant,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, November 2018.
- C-1
An entry in The Concise Encyclopedia of Knot Theory
- C-2
"On the Burau representation of B4 modulo p",
with Beridze and Traczyk.
- C-3
"Review: the annular structure of subfactors, by Vaughan Jones".
- C-3
"A new approach to the SLn spider".
I keep a list of errors and regrettable choices from my published papers.
Let me know if you find more!
[02] The Burau representation is not faithful for n=5:
I called the full twist braid Δ,
but the usual name is Δ².
Also, the paper includes a URL that, not surprisingly, doesn't work anymore.
[03] Braid groups are linear:
Theorem 4.1,
which gives the matrix entries for the faithful representation,
contains a sign error.
[05] Does the Jones polynomial detect the unknot?
I slightly regret the title,
since the paper is mostly about Burau-4.
Also I regret saying "In the case of B3,
I know of no other value of q other than roots of unity at which the Burau representation is unfaithful".
This was technically true at the time, but
I should have known that such values are easy to find.
[09] Homological representations of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra:
In the statement of Lemma 3.1,
"n+k-1 choose k" should be "n+k-2 choose k".
[11] A homological definition of the HOMFLY polynomial:
I slightly regret the title,
since this is actually a homological definition of the SLn invariants.
[12] Generalized Long-Moody representations of braid groups:
Somebody pointed out an error but I have forgotten what it was.
Probably a sign error,
or something acting on the wrong side, or something like that.
[13] Skein theory for the ADE planar algebras:
The proof of Lemma 3.2 did not say why R generates P'.
(It's because R generates the minimal projectors.)
The proof of Lemma 4.5 has a greater-than symbol that should be less-than.
[17] Principal graph stability and the jellyfish algorithm:
In the diagram in Remark 2.9,
the "n+1" should be "n",
and the corresponding "n" should be "n-1".
[18] A diagrammatic definition of Uqsl2: Section 6 constructs a
quotient of H by a certain intersection of kernels. However it is not
clear that this intersection of kernels is a Hopf ideal. As a workaround,
you can quotient by the specific generators that I want to get rid of, and
notice that the result still has a well-defined Hopf algebra structure.
Vijay Higgins told me he thinks he can fix my original approach.
[20] The pop-switch planar algebra and the Jones-Wenzl idempotents:
In the definition of the pop-switch relations,
the first equation is correct, but the second is not.
It should be what you get by
reversing all of the arrows in the first equation.