Up: Publications and Preprints
Slides from some talks available to download
The following talks are available to download in pdf
Warning: There were some typos found
during the presentations that I have not yet corrected (reader
Mountain View, California
In October, 2007 I gave a talk at Google Headquarters during the Bay
Area Discrete Math day. This is a summary version of a series of
papers on hypertrees and loop groups with various coauthors.
- Points in the plane and loops in space (pdf)
Berkeley, California
In August, 2007 I gave a talk at MSRI in Berkeley
based on recent work by my graduate student Rena Levitt.
- Triangles, Squares and Biautomaticity (pdf)
Bedlewo, Poland
In June, 2007 I gave a talk at the Mathematics Institute in Bedlewo, Poland
based on recent work by my graduate student Rena Levitt.
- Instability in Triangle-Square Complexes (pdf)
Ashland, Oregon
In May, I gave a series of three talks at Southern Oregon University
as their Kieval Lecturer for 2007. Two talks had slides and the third
was chalk-based. Talk 1 played a double role as the address following
the Sigma Xi banquet for their local chapter. I discussed a sample of
some of the surprises that arise when things are repeated. The second
talk was based on my monthly article, "Noncrossing partitions in
surprising locations."
- Talk 1: Roots, ratios and Ramanujan (pdf)
- Talk 2: Finding parking when not commuting (pdf)
Marseille, France
During the 4th week on geometric group theory in Luminy (February
2007), I gave a series of four talks on Coxeter groups and Artin
groups. The first two talks were about Coxeter groups and virtually
all of the material is classical. The second pair of talks were about
the on-going research program to understand all Artin groups by using
a newly developed continuous geometry. (The content of these slides
is similar to the short course I gave in Ottawa in June 2006, for
which no slides were produced.)
- Day 1: Polytopes and Reflection Groups (pdf)
- Day 2: Symmetric Spaces and Simple Groups (pdf)
- Day 3: Pulling Apart Orthogonal Groups (pdf)
- Day 4: Affine Isometries and Artin Groups (pdf)
Cincinnati, Ohio
In a special session on geometric combinatorics during the AMS
sectional meeting (October 2006) I gave a talk on a generalization of
the combinatorial Gauss-Bonnet theorem that allows one to choose
arbitrary angles in high dimensional polytopal complexes.
- Moebius inversion and combinatorial curvature
Santa Barbara, California
At the AMS special session on curvature in group theory and
combinatorics held in Santa Barbara, California (April 2005), I gave a
short talk on new (and pretty) geometric presentations of the pure
braid group (joint work with Dan Margalit).
- Square-dancing in the pure braid group
Park City, Utah
At the Institute for Advanced Studies / Park City Summer Institute on
Geometric Combinatorics in Park City, Utah (July 2004), I gave a talk
on the generalization of non-crossing partitions to arbitrary Coxeter
groups. This is a project with Noel Brady and John Crisp. The first
half of the talk is an overview of Garside structures formulated for
geometric combinatorialists.
- Non-crossing partitions for arbitrary Coxeter groups
Bedlewo, Poland
At the geometric group theory conference in Poland (April 2004), I
gave a status report on the Garside structures for Artin groups
project with Noel Brady and John Crisp. (expanded version of the talk
from October listed below)
- Garside structures for (some more) Artin groups
Athens, Ohio
At the AMS sectional meeting (March 2004) I gave another version of the talk on
hypertrees, including some new results with John Meier and Craig
Jensen at the end.
- Hypertrees and the l(2) betti numbers of the pure symmetric automorphism groups
Binghamton, New York
At the AMS sectional meeting (October 2003) I gave a short talk on
recent joint work with Anton Kaul, Noel Brady, and John Crisp.
- Garside structures for free groups (and other Artin groups) (pdf)
Durham, England
During the Durham symposium on geometric and cohomological group
theory (July 2003) I gave a short course on constructing
non-positively curved spaces and groups.
- Day 1: Basic definitions, curvature
conjecture, decidability, length spectra (pdf)
- Day 2: Algorithms, dimension 3, computers,
5/6* 3-manifolds, positive curvature (pdf)
- Day 3: Special shapes, Artin groups, small
cancellation grouups, ample twisted face pairings (pdf)
- Day 4: Angles in polytopes, Gauss-Bonnet,
conformal CAT(0), one-relator groups (pdf)
Braga, Portugal
At a semigroup conference in Braga, Portugal (June, 2003) I
talked on joint work with John Rhodes on geometrically defined
expansions of finite semigroups.
- Expansions of semigroups (pdf)
Seville, Spain
At the Joint AMS-RSME conference (June 2003) I gave a short
talk on research carried out by my graduate student Woonjung Choi.
- CAT(0) structures for Artin groups (pdf)
Park City, Utah
During the Cannonfest (June 2003) I gave two talks. The first on
a recent result with John Meier, and the second, a general interest
talk on the various ways the noncrossing partition lattice arises in
geometric group theory, enumerative combinatorics, and non-commutative
- Hypertrees, the pure symmetric automorphism groups, and their
l(2) betti numbers (pdf)
- Noncrossing partition lattice (pdf)
Last modified 16/July/2003 by