Math 3B - Integral Calculus, Spring 2013 (Teaching Assistant)
Office hours: 5-6, Tuesday, 6432U South Hall
My math lab hours: 2-4 Friday, 1607 South Hall

Grading scheme:
25% WebWork
75% Exams (25% each)

The course will follow Calculus, by James Stewart. Any edition should be fine.
An excellent resource that closely follows this book is Paul's Online Math Notes.

Final review sheet
Final review problems and solutions
Improper integrals worksheet and solutions
Ridiculous math

Notes on rational functions, Bioche rules, etc.
Rational functions & Bioche rules worksheet and solutions

Midterm 1 review sheet
Worksheet: Riemann sums and computing integrals
Worksheet: FTC
Worksheet: u-substitution and integration by parts
Worksheet: Cauchy-Schwarz inequality