(with G. Fonseca)
The IVP for the Benjamin-Ono
equation in weighted Sobolev spaces, J. Funct.
Analysis 260, pp. 436-459, 2011.
(with J. Nahas)
On the
properties of solutions of nonlinear dispersive equations in
weighted Sobolev spaces, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu (RIMS
Proceedings) pp. 23-36, 2011
(with L. Escauriaza, C. E. Kenig, and L. Vega)
Unique Continuation for Schr\"odinger
Evolutions, with applications to profiles of concentration and
travelling waves, Comm. Math. Phys. 305, pp.
487-512, 2011
(with F. Linares and G. Fonseca)
IVP for the Benjamin-Ono
equation in weighted Sobolev spaces II,
J. Funct. Analysis 262, pp. 2031-2049, 2012
(with L. Escauriaza, C. E. Kenig, and L. Vega)
Uniqueness Properties of Solutions
to Schr\"odinger Equations, Bulletin
of the AMS 49, pp. 415-442, 2012
(with C. E. Kenig, and L. Vega)
bounds for non-trivial traveling wave solutions of equations of KdV
type, Nonlinearity 25, pp. 1235--1245, 2012
(with J. Angulo)
The nonlinear
Schr\"odinger equation with periodic $\delta$ interaction, Bulletin
of the Brazilian Math. Soc. 44, pp. 497--551, 2013
(with F. Linares and G. Fonseca)
IVP for the dispersion generalized Benjamin-Ono equation in
weighted Sobolev spaces, Annales
IHP-Analyse non lineaire 5, pp. 763--790, 2013
. (with P. Isaza and F.
On decay properties of solutions of the
k-generalized KdV equation, Comm. Math.
Phys. 324, pp. 129--146, 2013
(with C. E. Kenig, and L. Vega)
A theorem of
Paley-Wiener type for Schrödinger evolutions, Annales
Scientifiques Ec. Norm. Sup. 47, pp. 539--557, 2014
(with J. Bona, J.-C. Saut and C. Sparber)
blow up for nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations revisited, Journal
Matematiques Pures Appl. 102, pp. 782--811, 2014
. (with P. Isaza
and F.
Decay properties for solutions of fifth
order nonlinear dispersive equations, J. Differential
Equations, 258, pp. 764--795, 2015
. (with P. Isaza and
On the propagation of regularity and decay of
solutions to the k-generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation, Comm.
Partial Diff. Eqs. 40, pp. 1336--1364, 2015
(with F. Linares and G. Fonseca)
On persistence properties in fractional weighted spaces,
Proc. of the AMS 143, pp. 5353--5367, 2015
(with L. Escauriaza, C. E. Kenig, and L. Vega)
Uncertainty Principle, Convexity and Parabolic Evolutions, Comm.
Math. Phys.346, pp. 667-678, 2016
. (with P. Isaza and
On the propagation of regularities in solutions
of the Benjamin-Ono equation, J.
Funct. Analysis 270, pp. 976--1000, 2016
. (with P. Isaza and
On the propagation of regularities in solutions
of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, SIAM J. Math. Anal.
48 pp. 1006-1024, 2016
(with F. Linares and D. L. Smith)
On the regularity of solutions to a class of nonliear dispersive
equations, Mathematische Annalen, 369 pp. 797--837, 2017
. On the IVP for the $k$-Generalized Benjamin-Ono Equation", Harmonic
Analysis, Partial Diff. Eqs., Complex Analysis, Banach spaces,
and Operator Theory (Springer) Vol. 1, 349--371, 2016
. (with F. Linares and T.
Sideris) Properties of
solutions to the Camassa-Holm equation on the line in a class
containing the peakons, Advanced Study of Pure Math. 81, pp.
197–246, 2019
. (with C. E. Kenig, F.
Linares and L. Vega) On
the regularity of solutions to the k-generalized Korteweg-de Vries
equation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146, pp. 3759–3766, 2018
. (with C. Mu\~noz) Breathers and the dynamics of
solutions in KdV type equations , Comm. Math.
Phys. 367, pp. 581--598, 2019
. (with F. Linares and G. N.
Santos) On
a class of solutions to the generalized derivative
Schr\"odinger equations", Acta Math. Sinica 35, pp.
. (with F. Linares and H.
``On a class of solutions to
the generalized KdV type equation", Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics 18, pp. 169–117, 2018
. (with F. Linares and G. N.
Santos) “On
a class of solutions to the generalized derivative Schr
̈odinger equations II", J. Diff. Eqs. 267, pp 97–118, 2019
. (with C. Mu\~noz) ``
asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Benjamin-Ono equation",
Amer. Math. Soc. 147, pp. 5303–5312, 2019
(with C. E. Kenig and L.
Vega) Uniqueness
properties of solutions to the Benjamin-Ono
equation and related models" J. Funct. Anal. 278 (2020).
. (with
C. E. Kenig , D. Pilot and L.
Vega) ``On
ue of solutions to
non-local non-linear dispersive equations" Comm. PDE 45,
pp. 872--886, 2020.
. (with F. Linares) ``Unique
continuation properties for solutions to the Camassa-Holm equation and
related models", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), no. 9,
. (with C. Mu\~noz and J.-C.
On the
long time behavior of solutions to the intermediate long
wave equation", SIAM J. Math. Anal. 53 (2021), no. 1, 1029