Paul J. Atzberger | Research Group
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Talks: Videos and Slides

For latest talks and videos see: youtube:atzberger.


For latest talks and videos see
Atzberger YouTube Channel

Surface Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Methods: Soft Materials with Fluid-Structure Interactions within Curved Fluid Interfaces, WCCM Conference Talk, Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Session, Nov 2020.

[link to video] [PDF] [GoogleSlides]

The Hidden Role of Mathematics and Computation in Scientific Discovery and Engineering
UCSB Seminar Series: Groundbreaking Research / Innovative Technology (GRIT), July 2016.

Public lecture aimed at general audiences.

[link to video] [slides PDF]

Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Approaches for Lipid Bilayer Membranes
UCLA IPAM Talk at Workshop on Partial Order: Mathematics, Simulations and Applications, January 2016.

[link to video] [slides PDF] [link to UCLA IPAM Workshop] [software]

Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Approaches for Mesoscopic Modeling and Simulation (Part 1)
Stanford University: Summer School on Multiscale Modeling of Materials Workshop, June 2016.

[link to video] [slides PDF] [software]

Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Approaches for Mesoscopic Modeling and Simulation (Part 2)
Stanford University: Summer School on Multiscale Modeling of Materials Workshop, June 2016.

[link to video] [slides PDF]

Tutorial for Mango-Selm Package: How to Setup the Models and Simulations using Jupyter Notebooks and Python.
Interactive Session
Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling and Simulation

Download Mango-Selm Package

Lecture: Regression, Kernel Methods, Regularization, LASSO, Tomography Example: [PDF] [MicrosoftSlides]

[link to video (part 1)] [link to video (part 2)]

Additional videos are available on the Atzberger YouTube Channel and gallery page.

For more information on my current research please see the publications section or the main homepage.

Course Notes and Supplemental Materials

Data Science and Machine Learning

Slides: Statistical Learning Theory, Generalization Errors, and Sampling Complexity Bounds:
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Complexity Measures, Radamacher, VC-Dimension:
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Support Vector Machines, Kernels, Optimization Theory Basics:
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Regression, Kernel Methods, Regularization, LASSO, Tomography Example:
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF] [Video (Part 1)] [Video (Part 2)]

Slides: Unsupervised Learning, Dimension Reduction, Manifold Learning:
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Basics:
[GoogleSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Basics:
[GoogleSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) Basics:
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF]

Slides: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):
[MicrosoftSlides] [PDF]

Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (course exercise)

Facial Recognition and Feature Extraction (course exercise)

Machine Learning Course Link

Machine Learning: Foundations and Applications Course (MATH CS 120) [course-link]
Machine Learning: Foundations and Applications Course (MATH 260J) [course-link]

Finite Element Methods: Slides

Non-linear Optimization: Notes

Monte-Carlo Methods

Mathematical Finance

Partial Differential Equations: Course Notes:
(please submit any typos here)
- Method of Characteristics, Solving First-Order PDEs [PDF]
- Classifying Second-Order PDEs and Canonical Forms [PDF]
- Wave Equation and Solution Techniques [PDF]
- Diffusion Equation and Solution Techniques [PDF]
- Separation of Variables [PDF]
- Fourier Methods [PDF]
- Elliptic PDEs and Fourier Approaches [PDF]
- Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) and Approximate Solutions of PDEs [PDF]
- Finite Difference Methods and von Neumann Analysis [PDF]

Dynamical Systems and ODEs

The specific parameters are delta=0.25, gamma=0.3, omega=1.0.

For more information on my current research please see the publications section or the main homepage. Additional videos are also available on the Atzberger YouTube Channel.

Publications | Course Webpages
