Slides and Posters

    Number Theory:

  1. Theory of Classical Modular Forms and Symbols (based primarily on work by R. Pollack and W. Stein)
  2. An Introduction to Iwasawa Theory
  3. The Role of Continued Fractions in Rediscovering a Xenharmonic Tuning
  4. Zeta Zeros and Quantum Energy Levels
  5. Number Theoretic Analogs of The Riemann-Hurwitz Formula (PhD Final Oral Dissertation Defense)
  6. Cyclic p-Extensions of Zp-Fields
  7. (Special) Riemann-Hurwitz Formulas in Iwasawa Theory
  8. Slumdog Millionaire: Srinivasa Ramanujan
  9. Elliptic Curves Over Q
  10. The Brumer-Stark Conjecture (Notes)
  11. Dynamics Over Number Fields (based primarily on work of J. Silverman)
  12. Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves and BSD in Rank Zero (based primarily on work by R. Greenberg)
  13. A Riemann-Hurwitz Formula for Number Fields
  14. Brauer's Theorems and the Meromorphicity of L-functions (based primarily on work by H. Heilbronn)
  15. General:

  16. Voting Systems, Mass Murder, and the Enigma Machine
  17. Making Math Count in the Community: Measuring Income Disparity
  18. Smooth Manifolds and Minkowski Spacetime
  19. Deriving Meaning: Math at Work in RHS
  20. Base 18, Quaternions, Markov Chains, and Absurdity
  21. Hyperbolic Geometry, Complex Periods, Stereoscopy, and 4D
  22. How to Mathematize the World: Black Holes, Oil Spills, the Spread of AIDS, ...
  23. A Discrete Nash Demand Game with Diagonal Punishment
