Slides and Posters
Number Theory:
- Theory of Classical Modular Forms and Symbols (based primarily on work by R. Pollack and W. Stein)
- An Introduction to Iwasawa Theory
- The Role of Continued Fractions in Rediscovering a Xenharmonic Tuning
- Zeta Zeros and Quantum Energy Levels
- Number Theoretic Analogs of The Riemann-Hurwitz Formula (PhD Final Oral Dissertation Defense)
- Cyclic p-Extensions of Zp-Fields
- (Special) Riemann-Hurwitz Formulas in Iwasawa Theory
- Slumdog Millionaire: Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Elliptic Curves Over Q
- The Brumer-Stark Conjecture (Notes)
- Dynamics Over Number Fields (based primarily on work of J. Silverman)
- Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves and BSD in Rank Zero (based primarily on work by R. Greenberg)
- A Riemann-Hurwitz Formula for Number Fields
- Brauer's Theorems and the Meromorphicity of L-functions (based primarily on work by H. Heilbronn)
- Voting Systems, Mass Murder, and the Enigma Machine
- Making Math Count in the Community: Measuring Income Disparity
- Smooth Manifolds and Minkowski Spacetime
- Deriving Meaning: Math at Work in RHS
- Base 18, Quaternions, Markov Chains, and Absurdity
- Hyperbolic Geometry, Complex Periods, Stereoscopy, and 4D
- How to Mathematize the World: Black Holes, Oil Spills, the Spread of AIDS, ...
- A Discrete Nash Demand Game with Diagonal Punishment