Department of Mathematics
University of California, Santa Barbara
Phone: (805) 893 2955
Email: millett-“at”
BS, Mathematics, 1963 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MS, Mathematics, 1964 - University of Wisconsin
Ph.D, Mathematics, 1967 - University of Wisconsin
Academic Appointments
1979 - Present Professor: University of California, Santa Barbara
2012 Visiting Fellow Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK
2011 Visitor Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio DeGiorgi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
2010 Visiting Researcher Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste, Italy
2009 Visitor The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
2007 - 2008 Visitor: Institute for Mathematics and it Applications
1984 Member: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
1985 Visiting Researcher: Laboratoire de Mathematiques Fondamentales
Universitie Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
1989, 1995, 2000, 2007, 2010 Visiting Professor: Universite de Provence, Marseille
1990 Visiting Professor: LOMI, St Petersburg
1975 - 1979 Associate Professor: University of California, Santa Barbara
1974, 1976, 1987, 1988 Visiting Professor: Institut des Hautes Etudes
Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette
1969 - 1975 Assistant Professor: University of California, Santa Barbara
1967 - 1969 Instructor: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1967 Instructor University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Honors and Awards
1988 Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, Mathematical Association of America
1991 Chauvenet Prize, Mathematical Association of America
1998 Distinguished Public Service, American Mathematical Society
2000 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2001 Administrator of the Year, California Science Teacher Association
2006 Giants in Science, QEM/MSE Network
2012 Elected Fellow of the American Mathematical Soceity
Professional Activities
2011-2012 Chair AAAS Section A, Electorate Nominating Committee
2011- Chair AMS-AAAS Liaison Committee
2011- Member College Board, SAT Mathematics Advisory Committee
2009-2012 Chair MAA Committee on the Mathematical Education of Teachers (COMET)
2009-2011 Member Scientific Advisory Committee, ESF-EMS-CIR-PI International Conference and Program: Knots and Links, From Theory to Applications, Pisa, Italy
2008-2012 Chair-elect,Chair,Retiring Chair AAAS Section A (Mathematics)
2008- Secretary Board of Governors, Pacific Journal of Mathematics
2008 Member Prize Committee for Yau High School Mathematics Competition
2006-2008 Member Board of Governors, MAA
2004- Member Commission of Human Rights and Social Change, NASULGC
2004-2005 Chair Southern California-Nevada Section, MAA
2003-2004 Vice-Chair Southern California-Nevada Section, MAA
2003-2004 Chair Short Course Subcommittee, AMS
2002-2004 Member Expert Panel on Math Education Portfolio, NSF
1999 - Member Science Policy Committee, MAA
1990-1991 Chair Allendoerfer Award Committee, MAA
1997-2000 Member at Large AAAS, Section A Committee
1997 - Associate Editor Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
1997-1998 Chair Western Regional Council, College Board
1993-2004 UC Delegate Academic Assembly, College Board
1989-1993 President & Executive Director California Coalition for
1986-1986 Chair Research Fellowship Committee, AMS
1974-2008 Member Board of Governors, Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Parcticipation in
University of California Governance
2008- Member President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Advisory Committee, UC
2002-2007 Chair Chancellor’s Outreach Advisory Board, UCSB
1997-2007 Chair Regents Scholarship Policy Committee, UCSB
1994-1997 Chair Advisory Committee, California Mathematics Project, UCSB
1993-1998 Chair Committee on Affirmative Action, UCSB
1980-1981 Chair Academic Senate Assembly, UCSB
1986-1989 Chair Computing, Information Technology & Telecommunications
Policy, UCSB
Extramural Support
2002-2005 California Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative UC
2001-2005 Excellence in Undergraduate Mathematics (Fisher, Millett, Rankin) NSF
2005-2008 Chumash Scholars Program Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
2008-2011 Chumash Scholars Program Santa Barbara Foundation
2009-2012 LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate, Co-PI, NSF
2010-2014 Scholarships for Transfer to Engage and Excel in Mathematics (STEEM), Co-PI, NSF
Total number of science research publications: 65
Some publications prior to September 2009.
1. Foliations with
all leaves compact, Topology (16) 1977, 13-32. (with Edwards and
2. Leaves without
holonomy, J. London Math. Soc. (2) v. 16, 1977, pp. 522-54. (with
Epstein and Tischler)
3. Generic smooth maps of surfaces, Topology
and its Applications, v. 18, 1984, pp. 197-213.
4. The Jones’ reversing result, Pacific
Journal of Mathematics, v. 124, 1986, pp. 173-176. (with Lickorish)
6. Some evalulations of
link polynomials, Comm. Math. Helv, v. 61, 1986, pp. 349-359. (with
7. A polynomial
invariant for nonoriented knots and links, Invent. Math (84) 1986,
563-573. (with Brandt and Lickorish)
8. A theorem of the Borsuk-Ulam type for Seifert-fibered 3-manifolds,
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., v. 100, 1986, pp. 523-532. (with Rolfsen)
9. A polynomial invariant of oriented links,
Topology (26) 1987, 107-141. (with Lickorish)
10. Generic properties of proper foliations,
Fund. Math. v. 128, 1987, pp. 131-138.
11. Description of the topological entanglements
of DNA catenanes and knots by a powerful method involving strand passage and
recombination, J. Mol. Biol. (197) 1987, 585-603. (with Cozzarelli and
12. The new polynomial invariants of knots and
links, Math. Mag. V. 61, 1988, pp. 3-23. (with Lickorish)
13. Knotting of regular polygons in 3-space,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, v. 3, 1994, pp. 263-278.
14. Computational
algorithms and the complexity of link polynomials, Progress in Knot
Theory and Related Topics, 1996, Hermann, Paris, pp. 51-68. (with Ewing)
15. Minimal edge piecewise linear knots,
Ideal Knots, World Scientific Press, 1999. (with Calvo)
16. Monte Carlo
explorations of polygonal knot space, Knots in Hellas ’98, World
Scientific Press, 2000.
17. An investigation of equilateral knot spaces
and ideal physical knot configurations, in Physical Knots: knotting,
linking and folding geometric objects in R3, Contemp. Math. (304) 2002, Amer.
Math. Soc., 77-91.
18. Energy, ropelength, and other physical
aspects of equilateral knots, J. Comput. Phys (186) 2003, 426-456.
(with Rawdon)
19. Scaling behavior of random knots Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA (100) 2003, no. 10, 5611-5615. (with Dobay, Dubochet, Sottas,
and Stasiak)
20. The average crossing
number of equilateral random polygons, J. Phys. A. (36) 2003, no. 46,
11561-11574. (with Diao, Dobay, Kusner, and Stasiak)
21. Linear random knots
and their scaling, Macromolecules, (38) 2005, no. 2, 601-606, (with Dobay
and Stasiak)
22. Universal characteristics
of polygonal knot probabilities, Physical and numerical models in knot theory,
Ser. Knots Everything, (36) 2005, World Scientific Pub, 247-274. (with Rawdon)
23. Tying down open knots: a
statistical method for identifying open knots with applications to proteins,
Physical and numerical models in knot theory, Ser. Knots Everything, (36) 2005,
World Scientific Pub, 203-217. (with Sheldon)
24. Total curvature and total
torsion of knotted polymers, Macromolecules (40) 2007 no. 10, 3860-3867.
(with Plunkett, Piatek, Dobay, Kern, Stasiak, and Rawdon)
25. Polygonal knot space near
ropelength-minimized knots, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications,
Vol. 17, No. 5, 2008, pp 601-631. (with Piatek and Rawdon)
26. Scaling
behavior and equilibrium lengths of knotted polymers, Macromolecules, (41)
2008 no. 12, 4444-4451. (with Rawdon, Dobay, Kern, Piatek, Plunkett and,
27. The
Effect of Knotting on the Shape of Polymers, Macromolecules, (41) 2008 no.
21, 8281-8287. (with Rawdon, Kern, Piatek, Plunkett, and Stasiak)
28. Effect
of Knotting on Polymer Shapes and Their Enveloping Ellipsoids, Journal of
Chemical Physics,i 130, 165104-1-8, 2009, (with Piatek, Plunkett, Rawdon, and Stasiak)
29. Shapes
ofknotted cyclic polymers, Bussei Kenkyu, 92-1, 2009, 32-37 (with Rawdon, Kern, Piatek, Plunkett, and Stasiak)
Scholarly Scientific Publications since September 2009
1. Knots,
Slipknots, and Ephemeral Knots in Random Walks and Equilateral Polygons,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, vol 19, no 5, 2010, 601-615.
2. The linking number and the writhe of
uniform random walks and polygons in confined spaces,
Journal of Physis A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 343, 2010, 045208-6 (with Lambropoulou and Panagiotou)
3. Symmetry-breaking in cumulative measures of shapes of polymer models,
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol 133, 2010, 1541131-4 (with Rawdon, Stasiak, and Tran)
4. The generation of random equilateral polygons,
Journal of Statistical Physics, vol 143, 2011, 102-138 (with Alvarado and Calvo)
5. P hysical knot theory: an introduction
to the study of the influence of knotting on
the spatial characteristics of polymer,
World Scientific, Introductory Lectures on Knot Theory:
Selected Lectures presented at The Advanced School and Conference on Knot Theory and its Applications to Physics and Biology, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 11 – 29 May 2009,
Ser. Knots Everything, World Scientific Press, 2011, vol 46, 346-38
6. The length scale of 3-space knots, ephemeral knots, and slipknots in random walks,
Progress in Theoretical Physics Supplement, No 191, 2011, 182-191
7. Cumulative shapes of knoted polymers,,
Progress in Theoretical Physics Supplement, No 191, 2011, 165-171
8. A study of entanglement in systems with periodic boundary conditions,
Progress in Theoretical Physics Supplement, No 191, 2011, 172-181 (with Lambropoulou, Panagiotou, Theodorou, and Tzoumanekas)
9. Characteristics of shape and knotting in ideal rings,,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45, 2012, 225001 (with Zirbel)
10. Conservation of complex knotting and slipknotting patterns in proteins,,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, vol 109, no 26, 2012, E1715-E1723 (with Sulkowska, Rawdon, Onuchic, and Stasiak)
11. Identifying knots in proteins,,
Topological Aspects of DNA function and Protein Folding, Biochemical Society Transactions (2013) 41, 533 - 537, (with Rawdon, Stasiak, and Sulkowska)
12. Knot localization in proteins,,Topological Aspects of DNA function and Protein Folding, Biochemical Society Transactions (2013) 41, 538 - 541, (with Rawdon, Stasiak, and Sulkowska)
13. Knotting pathways in proteins,,Topological Aspects of DNA function and Protein Folding, Biochemical Society Transactions (2013) 41, 523 - 527, (with Rawdon, Noel, Ramirez-Sarmiento, Onuchic,, and Sulkowska)
14. Quantifying entanglement for collections of chains in models with periodic boundary conditions,
Procedia IUTAM: Topological Fluid Dynamics, (2013) 7, 251 - 260, (with Lambropoulou and Panagiotou)
15. Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length,
Physicla Review E, (2013) 88, 062604, (with Kroger and Panagiotou)
16. KnotProt: a database of proteins with knots and slipknots, Nucleac Acids Research, (2014) 1, doi: 10.1093/nar/gku1059,
(with Jamroz, Niemyska, Rawdon, Stasiak, Sulkowski, and Solkowska)