Danning Lu

Graduate student

Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara

Math 3B F18

Worksheet Answers:

week 1    answer

week 2    answer

week 3    answer    (Most of the questions come from http://pi.math.cornell.edu/~GoodQuestions/GQbysection_pdfversion.pdf)

week 4    answer    (Thanks to Annabel Li, the answer to #9 on page 3 is incorrect. The answer now is a revised version.)

week 5    answer   

week 6    answer

week 7    answer

week 8    answer

Note for week 8 and 9: The answer sheet contains some notation that is strongly not recommended for practising and midterm, which is explained in sections. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


week 9    answer

week 10

review section: Thursday 6-7.30 in South Hall 4607. Come if you want.

The review section worksheet may contain some mistakes. Use at your own risk.


Week 10 answer is here. Answer for review section.


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