Publications - D. D. Long
A preprint accessible below may differ somewhat from its final published
version, in particular some of the earlier papers may be without their
figures. Preprints are in .pdf format and so may be read using the free Acrobat
Strongly plus amphicheiral knots are algebraically slice. Math.
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. 95 (1984), pp. 309 - 312.
Planar kernels in surface groups. Oxford Quart. J. of Math.
vol. 35 (1984), pp. 305 - 310.
- (with A. J. Casson)
Algorithmic compression of surface automorphisms. Inventiones Math.
vol. 81 (1985), pp. 295 - 303.
A note on the normal subgroups of mapping class groups. Math.
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. 99 (1986), pp. 295 -
Constructing pseudo-Anosov maps.Knots and manifolds. Ed. D.
Rolfsen. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes No. 1144, pp. 108 - 114.
Discs in compression bodies. Pacific Journal of Math. vol. 122
(1986), pp. 129 - 146.
- (with H. R. Morton)
Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and surface automorphisms. Topology
vol. 25 (1986), pp. 575 - 583.
- (with S. Kojima)Virtual Betti numbers of some hyperbolic manifolds.
A Fete of Topology. Ed. Y. Matsumoto et al. Academic
Press, pp. 417 - 437.
Maximal subgroups in mapping class groups. Preprint.
Immersions and embeddings of totally geodesic surfaces.
Bulletin London
Math. Society vol. 19 (1987), pp. 481 - 484.
- (with S. P. Humphries)
On the Mal'cev quotients of certain hyperbolic link groups. Math. Proc.
Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. 102 (1987), pp. 475 - 480.
Bounding laminations.
Duke J. of Math. vol. 56 (1988), pp. 1 - 16.
- (with U. Oertel)
Hyperbolic surface bundles over the circle. Progress in Knot theory
and related topics. No. 56 (1997) pp. 121 - 142.
Engulfing and subgroup separability for hyperbolic groups.
Transactions of the American Math. Society. vol. 308 (1988), pp. 849 - 859.
On the linear representation of braid groups. Transactions of
the American Math. Society. vol. 311 (1989), pp. 535 - 560.
On the linear representation of braid groups II. Duke J. of
Math. vol. 59 (1989), pp. 443 - 460.
On pseudo-Anosov maps which extend over two handlebodies.
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. vol. 33 (1990), pp.181 - 190.
- (with G. Niblo)
Subgroup separability and 3-manifold groups.
Math. Zeitschrift
vol. 207 (1991), pp. 209 - 215.
- (with D. Cooper)
An undetected slope in a knot manifold. Topology 90: Proceedings
of the Ohio Conference. pp. 111- 121.
(with C. Frohman) Casson's invariant and surgery on knots.
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. vol. 35 (1992), pp. 383 -
- (with D. Cooper)
Representing knot groups into SL(2,C).
Proceedings American Math. Society vol. 116 (1992) pp. 547 - 549
- (with D. Cooper)
Derivative varieties and the pure braid group.
American J. of Math. vol. 115 (1993) pp. 137 - 160.
- (with A. W. Reid)
Closed incompressible surfaces in 2-generator hyperbolic
3-manifolds with a single cusp. Proc.
Edinburgh Math. Soc. vol. 36 (1993) pp. 501 - 513.
- (with M. Paton)
The Burau Representation is not faithful for n >= 6.
Topology vol. 32 (1993) pp. 439 - 447.
- (with D. Cooper)
Roots of unity associated to the character variety of a knot
Journal of the Australian Math. Soc. vol. 55 (1993) pp. 90 - 99.
- (with J.S. Birman and J. Moody)
Finite dimensional representations of Artin's Braid group. The
Mathematical legacy of W. Magnus.
Ed. W. Abikoff et al. Contemporary Math. vol. 169 pp. 123 -132.
- (with D. Cooper, M. Culler, H. Gillett and P. B. Shalen)
Plane curves associated to character varieties of 3-manifolds.
Inventiones Math. vol. 118 (1994) pp. 47 - 84.
- (with D. Cooper and A. W. Reid)
Bundles and finite foliations.
Inventiones Math. vol. 118 (1994) pp. 255 - 283.
Constructing representations of braid groups.
Communications in Geometry and Analysis. vol. 2 (1994) pp. 217 - 238.
- (with D. Cooper)
A Kleinian group with contractible quotient not simply connected
at infinity.
Comment. Math. Helv. vol. 71 (1996) pp. 41 - 59.
- (with D. Cooper)
Remarks on the A-polynomial of a knot. Journal of Knot Theory and
its Ramifications. vol. 5, (1996) pp. 609 - 628.
(with D. Cooper and A.W. Reid)
Finite foliations and similarity interval exchange maps.
Topology. vol 36, (1996) pp. 209 - 227.
- (with D. Cooper)
The A-polynomial has ones in the corners. Bulletin London Math. Soc. vol.29 (1997), pp. 231--238.
(with C. Maclachlan and A.W. Reid)
Splitting groups of signature (1:n).
Journal of Algebra. vol 185, (1996) pp. 329 - 341.
- (with D. Cooper)
A presentation for the image of Burau(4) tensor Z2.
Inventiones Math. vol. 127 (1997), pp. 535 - 570.
(with D. Cooper)
Foliations of some 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle.
Proceedings American Math. Society vol. 126 (1998), pp. 925 - 931.
- (with D. Cooper)
Representation theory and the A-polynomial of a knot.
Chaos Theory \& Solitons, vol. 9 (1998) pp.749 - 765.
- (with D. Cooper and A. W. Reid)
Essential surfaces in bounded 3-manifolds.
Journal American Math. Society vol. 10 (1997) pp. 553 - 564.
- (with D. Cooper and A. W. Reid)
Infinite Coxeter groups are virtually indicable.
Proceedings Edinburgh Math. Soc. vol. 41 (1998) pp. 303 - 313.
- (with A.W. Reid)
Simple quotients of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups.
Proceedings American Math. Society vol. 126 (1998), pp. 877 - 880.
- (with A.W. Reid)
Free products with amalgamation and p-adic Lie groups. Canadian
Math. Bull. vol. 41 (1998), no. 4, pp. 423--433.
(with A.W. Reid)
On Fuchsian groups with the same set of axes.
Bulletin London Math. Society vol. 30 (1998), no. 5, 533 - 538.
(With D. Cooper)
J. of Experimental Mathematics, vol. 7 (1998) pp. 325 - 332.
(With D. Cooper)
The Burau representation modulo a small prime.
Geometry and Topology Monographs, vol 1.The Epstein Birthday Schrift, pp. 127-138.
(with D. Cooper)
Free actions of finite groups on rational homology spheres.
Topology and its Applications, vol. 101, (2000) pp. 143-148
(with A. W. Reid)
Commensurability and the character variety.
Mathematical Research Letters, vol. 6 (1999) pp. 581- 592.
(with D. Cooper)
Virtually Haken Dehn filling.
Journal of Differential Geometry, vol. 52, (1999) pp. 173-187.
(with A. W. Reid)
On the geometric boundaries of hyperbolic 4-manifolds.
Geometry and Topology, vol. 4 (2000) pp. 171 - 178.
(with D. Cooper)
Some surface subgroups survive surgery.
Geometry and Topology, vol. 5 (2001) pp. 347 - 367.
(with I. Agol and A. W. Reid)
The Bianchi groups are separable on
geometrically finite subgroups.
Annals of Math. vol. 153 (2001) pp. 599 - 621.
(with A. W. Reid)
On subgroup separability in hyperbolic Coxeter groups.
Geom. Dedicata vol. 87 (2001) pp. 245 - 260.
(with A. W. Reid)
Integral points on character varieties.
Math. Annalen vol. 325 (2003), pp. 299--321.
- (with A. W. Reid)
The fundamental group of the double of the
figure eight knot exterior is GFERF.
Bulletin London Math. Society vol. 3 (2001) pp. 391 - 396.
- (with A. W. Reid)
Constructing hyperbolic manifolds which bound geometrically.
Math. Research Letters vol. 8 (2001), pp. 443--455
- (with A. W. Reid)
Pseudomodular surfaces.
J. Reine Angew. Math. vol. 552 (2002) pp. 77 - 100.
(with A. W. Reid) All flat manifolds are cusps of hyperbolic orbifolds.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, vol. 2 (2002) pp. 285-296.
(with C. McA. Gordon and A. W. Reid)
Surface subgroups of Coxeter and Artin groups., Journal
of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol.189 (2004) pp. 135 - 148
(With A. W. Reid)
On asymmetric hyperbolic manifolds.,
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol.138 (2005) pp. 301 - 306
(with A. W. Reid) Generalized Dedekind
sums., Proceedings of the Casson Fest, Geometry and Topology
Monographs, vol. 7 (2004), pp. 205--212.
(with A. W. Reid)
Surface subgroups and subgroup separability in 3-manifold topology,
25th Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
(with T. Chinburg and A. W. Reid)
Cusps of minimal noncompact arithmetic 3-orbifolds.,
Pure and Applied Math. Quarterly, vol. 4, (2008) pp. 1013--1031.
(volume in honour of J. P. Serre)
(with C. Maclachlan and A. W. Reid)
Arithmetic fuchsian groups of genus zero., Pure and
Applied Math. Quarterly vol. 2 (2006), pp. 569--599.
(with A. W. Reid)
Subgroup separability and virtual retractions of groups.,
Topology vol. 47 (2008) pp. 137 - 159. (Note that this article
was submitted in 2004)
(with D. Cooper and M. Thistlethwaite)
Computing varieties of representations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds into
$SL(4,{\bf R})$., J. of Experimental Math.
vol. 15 (2006) pp. 291 -- 305.
(with D. Cooper and M. Thistlethwaite)
Flexing closed hyperbolic manifolds.,
Geometry & Topology vol. 11 (2007) pp. 2413-2440
(with M. Lackenby and A. W. Reid)
Covering spaces of arithmetic 3-orbifolds., Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN
(2008), no. 12, doi: rnn036
38 pages
(with T. Chinburg, E. Hamilton and A. W. Reid)
Geodesics and commensurability classes of arithmetic
hyperbolic 3-manifolds., Duke Math. Journal vol. 145 (2008) pp 25-44.
- (with D. Cooper and A. W. Reid) On
the virtual Betti numbers of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
Geometry & Topology vol. 11 (2007) pp. 2265-2276
- (with A. Lubotzky and A. W. Reid)
Heegaard genus and Property τ for hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Journal of Topology vol. 1
(2008) pp. 152 - 158.
- (with A. W. Reid)
Finding fibre faces in finite covers. Math. Research Letters
vol. 15 (2008) pp. 521-524
- (with M. Lackenby and A. W. Reid)
LERF and the Lubotzky-Sarnak Conjecture Geometry and Topology,
vol. 12 (2008) pp. 2047 - 2056
- (with D. Cooper and M. Thistlethwaite)
Constructing non-congruence subgroups of flexible hyperbolic
3-manifold groups Proc. A.M.S. vol. 137 (2009), pp. 3943-3949
- (with A. W. Reid)
Eigenvalues of hyperbolic elements in Kleinian groups. Contemporary Math. vol. 510,
In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, pp. 197-208
- (with C. Leininger and A. W. Reid)
Commensurators of finitely generated non-free Kleinian groups.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, vol. 11 (2011) pp. 605-624
- (with A. W. Reid)
Grothendieck's problem for 3-manifold groups.
Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, vol. 5 (2011) pp. 479 - 499
- (with A. W. Reid)
Small subgroups of SL(3,Z). Experimental Math. vol. 20, (2011)
pp. 412-425.
- (with A. W. Reid and M. Thistlethwaite)
Zariski dense surface subgroups in SL(3,Z).
Geometry and Topology, vol. 15 (2011) pp. 1 - 9
- (with A. W. Reid)
Fields of definition of canonical curves. Interactions Between
Hyperbolic Geometry, Quantum Topology and Number Theory,
Contemporary Math. vol. 541 (2011), pp. 247 - 257
- (with D. Cooper and S. Tillmann)
On convex projective manifolds and cusps Advances in Math. vol. 277 (2015) pp. 181 - 251.
- (with A. W. Reid)
Constructing thin subgroups in SL(4,R) International
Math. Research Notices. vol. 2014 No. 7 (2014) pp. 2006 -- 2016. doi: 10.1093/imrn/rns281
- (with A. W. Reid)
Constructing thin groups. Thin Groups and superstrong approximation, MSRI Publications vol. 61 (2013) pp. 151 -166.
- (with D. Cooper)
A generalization of the Epstein-Penner construction to projective manifolds.
Proc. A.M.S. vol. 143 (2015) pp. 4561-4569.
- (with M. Thistlethwaite)
Lenstra-Hurwitz cliques and the class number one problem.
Journal of Number Theory vol. 162 (2016) pp. 564 --- 577
- (with S. Ballas )
Constructing thin subgroups commensurable with the figure-eight knot group.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology vol. 15 (2015), pp. 3009--3022. doi: 10.2140/agt.2015.15.3009
- (with A. W. Reid)
Thin surface subgroups in cocompact lattices in SL(3,R) Illinois J. of Math. vol. 60 (2016) pp. 39 --- 53
- (with D. Cooper and S. Tillmann)
Deforming convex projective manifolds Geometry and Topology, vol. 22 (2018), pp. 1349 -- 1404
- (with M. Thistlethwaite)
Zariski dense surface subgroups in SL(4,Z). J. of Experimental Math.
vol. 27 (2018) pp. 82 -- 92.
- (with M. Thistlethwaite)
The Dimension of the Hitchin Component for Triangle Groups. Geometriae Dedicata vol. 200 (2019) pp. 363 -- 370.
- (with A. W. Reid)
Sequences of high rank lattices of large systole containing a fixed genus surface group. New York Journal of Math, vol. 25 (2019), pp. 145 -- 155.
- (with S. Ballas)
Constructing thin subgroups of SL(n+1,R) via bending. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, vol. 20 (2020), pp. 2071 -- 2093.
- (with A. Kontorovich, A. Lubotzky & A. W. Reid)
What is.... a Thin Group? Notices A.M.S. vol. 66 (2019) pp. 905 -- 910.
- (with A. W. Reid)
Virtually spinning hyperbolic manifolds. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Math. Soc. vol. 63 (2020), pp. 305 -- 313.
- (with M. Thistlethwaite)
Zariski dense surface groups in SL(2k+1,Z). Geometry and Topology, vol. 28 (2024) pp. 1153 -- 1166
- (with A. W. Reid)
Strongly dense representations of surface groups. Edinburgh Journal of Math.
- (with A. W. Reid & M. Wolff )
Most Hitchin representations are strongly dense. Michigan Journal of Math. vol. 75 (2025) pp. 141 -- 144
A preprint accessible above may differ somewhat from its final published
version. Preprints are in .pdf format and so may be read using the free Acrobat